Welcome to cross-key.com
In the Name of the Only Begotten Son of God – Christ Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, cross-key.com houses a “writing ministry” to the glory of God. Musings (CKMusings) or letters of reflection on the Word of God are the mainstay of this writing ministry. The hope of cross-key.com is to contribute toward building God’s Kingdom of Light on earth. The “absolute expectancy” of cross-key.com is to encourage Believers to develop a personal relationship with the LORD God through Christ Jesus in prayer; and reading, meditating, and studying God’s Word toward ever increasing comprehension and application by the teachings of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.
Abba Father will accept your invitation:
God Who is Love forever welcomes the lost into His refuge, and the Son of Love – Christ Jesus offered His life to enable it. The LORD God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth appointed Jesus the universal and supreme Head of The Church (Ephesians 1:22 AMP) which is His Body, and Believers are the inclusive Body of Christ. The Word says, whoever acknowledges the Son also has the Father (1 John 2:23b). If you want to invite Christ Jesus into your life, speak a Prayer of Salvation – LORD God, I humbly approach Your throne of mercy, grace, compassion, and love in the Name above all names. I repent of my sins, and I ask You to forgive me. According to Your Word, “For whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved” Romans 10:13 (KJV). I call on the Name of Jesus right now, and ask Him to be Lord over my life. I believe that Christ Jesus was born as human for the redemption of humankind; offered Himself as a sacrifice and died for the sins of humankind; was raised from the dead and seated at Your right hand. LORD God, I ask for a new beginning with You seeded in my heart and alive within me. From this day forward, I seek to develop a personal relationship with You in Christ Jesus, and to understand and apply Your Word by the power and might of Your Spirit. I am now Your child because I receive the gift of rebirth in Christ Jesus by Your grace LORD God. Amen.