In the Name of the Only Begotten Son of God – Christ Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, houses a “writing ministry” to the glory of God. Musings (CKMusings) or letters of reflection on the Word of God are the mainstay of this writing ministry. The hope of is to contribute toward building God’s Kingdom of Light on earth. The “absolute expectancy” of is to encourage Believers to develop a personal relationship with the LORD God through Christ Jesus in prayer; and reading, meditating, and studying God’s Word toward ever increasing comprehension and application by the teachings of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.

Abba Father will accept your invitation:
God Who is Love forever welcomes the lost into His refuge, and the Son of Love – Christ Jesus offered His life to enable it. The LORD God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth appointed Jesus the universal and supreme Head of The Church (Ephesians 1:22 AMP) which is His Body, and Believers are the inclusive Body of Christ. The Word says, whoever acknowledges the Son also has the Father (1 John 2:23b). If you want to invite Christ Jesus into your life, speak a Prayer of Salvation – LORD God, I humbly approach Your throne of mercy, grace, compassion, and love in the Name above all names. I repent of my sins, and I ask You to forgive me. According to Your Word, “For whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved” Romans 10:13 (KJV). I call on the Name of Jesus right now, and ask Him to be Lord over my life. I believe that Christ Jesus was born as human for the redemption of humankind; offered Himself as a sacrifice and died for the sins of humankind; was raised from the dead and seated at Your right hand. LORD God, I ask for a new beginning with You seeded in my heart and alive within me. From this day forward, I seek to develop a personal relationship with You in Christ Jesus, and to understand and apply Your Word by the power and might of Your Spirit. I am now Your child because I receive the gift of rebirth in Christ Jesus by Your grace LORD God. Amen.

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