Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

By the blood of Jesus, we have a new dispensation of grace which bought and brought a better covenant in Him. Ours is better because by the old covenant only certain people could hear the voice of God; these, called Prophets relayed what God said. The old covenant also only allowed certain people to enter into the presence of God, and required much preparedness relative to purification. In the tabernacle, was a curtain between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place into which all were neither allowed to enter nor touch the things of God. Those who had ears to hear and obeyed reaped the benefits thereof (i.e., Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, Joseph, Moses, Caleb, Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Josiah, Daniel, Esther). Ah, but when our Lord Jesus said, “it is finished”, that curtain was torn from top to bottom. This day, by the blood of Jesus, we are seated together with God through Christ Jesus. That is, those who have repented and believe in Jesus as the Only Begotten Son sent by God the Father for the salvation of mankind: Who agreed to leave the Throne of God in Whose presence He had always been; Who was born as the Son of Man and walked in perfect obedience to the Will of God the Father; Who exemplified the power we were created to operate in as evidenced by good fruit to establish God’s WORD in the earth; Who sacrificed His sinless lifeblood for the propitiation of the sins of the whole world; Who entered into Hell to take back the keys of Death and Hades for man (i.e., male, female); Who God the Father raised from the dead by the power of God the Holy Spirit; Who God the Father seated at His (own) right hand, and appointed Him the universal and supreme head of the church – the Body of Christ who are believers called to operate under the law of the Spirit of life with authority in His Name. This day, in Christ Jesus we are forever in the presence of Abba Father. Elijah the mighty Prophet of God fled into Judah and further into the wilderness; and asleep from weariness he was awakened twice to be strengthened with food prepared by an Angel of the LORD which enabled him to continue to Mount Horeb/Mount Sinai as directed by the LORD to stand before Him, “11 . . . And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice I Kings 19:11-12 (NKJV). Through Christ Jesus, believers have direct communication with God Whose still small voice speaks to each of us on a personal level all the time; increasingly recognized as we grow in the knowledge of Him Who is Love via the WORD by the teachings of the Spirit of Love. (Hebrews 8:6-12; Romans 4:7-8; Exodus 40:12-15; Exodus 26:36; John 19:30; Matthew 27:45-51; Mark 15:37-38; Luke 23:44-46; Revelation 1:17-18; Genesis 1:27; Ephesians 1:19-22; Romans 8:2; Luke 10:19; Mark 16:15-18; Matthew 28:16-20; Ephesians 2:1-10).

Speak the promise . . . Harriet

Acts 20:32