Salvation – deliverance from the power or penalty of sin.

Repent (ance) – to experience sorrow for and seek to change wrong behavior.

Salvation includes repentance; a turning away by God’s power. “Go and sin no more” is what the Living Word said. Developing a “community” of like- sin indicates no intent to repent. Free-will has nothing to do with whether or not we like God’s WORD; that which God said is good remains good and vice versa. Every word from the mouth of God does what it says; it accomplishes everything for which it was sent; it can’t return void. Creation can’t trump The One who created it. Therefore, man’s attempt(s) to legitimize that which God has declared an abomination doesn’t negate sin; it is impossible for man’s laws to trump God.

The evidence of man’s inability to hold his end of the covenant between God and man was made clear; hence God established the covenant by Himself on behalf of man (Genesis 15:), and the more better covenant through the Son of Man by the blood of Jesus. Those reconciled unto the Family of God by the finished work of Christ Jesus are commanded to walk in divine love which neither requires embracing sin nor being yoked with it; to love one another requires loving the sinner not the sin. God hates sin; He doesn’t hate the sinner. Repentance or turning (away) from sin requires God’s power because the flesh only wants to do as it pleases. We focus on the things of God; we steadfastly seek His face; we keep our eye on Jesus. God will help us in our weakness; He desires to help. God’s grace is sufficient in weakness.