I gave them your word; The godless world hated them because of it, Because they didn’t join the world’s ways . . . . I’m praying not only for them But also for those who will believe in me Because of them and their witness about me.” John 17:14,20 (MSG)

God is Love1Jn 4:8,16b (NLT), hence Jesus is the only begotten Son of Love, sent just because of love (John 3:16). “Love drove Jesus to become incarnate. Love sent Him; Love sustained Him; Love was His ability.”1 When reflecting on the love of Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing I’m often overwhelmed to the point of tears. During the Lord Jesus’ earth-bound Ministry not even those who loved Him fully comprehended His assignment and the political leaders hated Him; yet He endured the lonely redemptive work. Revelation of the redemptive work that only the incarnate Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing could and would fulfill may assist our ability to grasp the love of the Father for all mankind exemplified through His only begotten Son. As prophesied thousands of years in advance, the substitutionary work2 “to assume a heavy burden” (Isaiah 53:4) could only be done by the Messiah. In other words, Jesus’ perfect obedience to the will of Abba Father meant a walk throughout His ministry unparalleled by any other, anywhere on earth; for none other than Him would be able to say, “It is finished!John 19:30 (NKJV). Therefore, the Son of Love set His face like flint to fulfill the task that would bestow all mankind, the freedom to choose between eternal death and eternal life – “completing down to the last detail His assignmentJohn 17:4 (MSG). The hesed/agape/divine love of GOD the Father and Christ Jesus for all mankind is the same love that has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). That we may BE light in any dark place, as we walk by the God-kind of faith operated or powered by the God-kind of love (Mark 11:22; Galatians 5:6).

 Prayer – “Father, in Jesus’ Name, may the love of your sons & daughters abound more and more [that our love may display itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment]. That we may grasp what is vital and of real value, that we may be sincere and without offense until the day of Christ Jesus’ return [neither stumbling nor causing others to stumble]. And that as branches in the Vine who is the Lord Jesus, we bear much fruit to the honor and glory and praise of You, with thanksgiving in Jesus’ Name, Amen.” Philippians 1:9-11 (AMP personalized).

1 Kenyon, E.W. (2010). What Happened From The Cross to The Throne. (p. 27). Lynwood, WA: Kenyon’s Gospel Publishing Society.

2 Bosworth, F.F. (2000). Christ The Healer. (P. 147). New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House.