Published by Harriet on 24 May 2023
Through The Spirit . . .
We benefit from praying in the spirit which is prayer from the re-created or regenerated or reborn spirit through the Spirit of God because He knows what we have need of. For humankind was initially created in the image or character of YHWH (with inserted vowels YAHWEH transliterated JEHOVAH commonly interpreted the LORD). Therefore, the LORD God knows us better than we know ourselves; so too does the Spirit of the Omnipresent and Omnipotent and Omniscient Sovereign Lord God Almighty. The Spirit of the living God – the Holy Spirit lives within those rendered sons and daughters of the LORD by the blood of Jesus – “the only Mediator between God and mankind” (1 Timothy 2:5-6); Whose walk in perfect obedience to the will of God re-aligned us with the LORD. Subsequently, the outpouring of the LORD God to YESHUA/JESUS is necessarily ours because we are “in Christ”; He is the universal and supreme Head and we are His Body – The Church. This outpouring includes The Blessing of Abraham (material blessings) and the fullness thereof (spiritual blessings, authority) by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus. More specifically, “power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing” Revelation 5:12 (KJV). The manifestation thereof is by the immeasurable, unlimited, and surpassing power of the LORD God in the person of the Holy Spirit who lives within. For the finished work of the Lord Jesus precipitated the return of the Holy Spirit to earth; His present-day Ministry as Comforter and Counselor and Teacher is unto those reconciled unto the Family of God by the Blood. The Holy Spirit within us is The Anointing upon us to do as the Living Word relayed, “Truly I say unto you, they that believe on me, the works that I do shall they do also; and greater works than these shall they do; because I return to My Father” (John 14:12). We have been commissioned to do (Mark 16:15-18) through the power of the Holy Spirit and with authority bestowed the Name above all names, by the God-kind of faith (Mark 11:22-24) operated by the God-kind of love (Galatians 5:6) poured into us by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). Therefore, we put on the whole armor of God daily because our wrestle is not against flesh & blood (Ephesians 6:11-18); it is against the perpetrator of evil who is a defeated foe (Colossians 2:15) for all “in Christ”.