To say that those through whom the perpetrator works know not what they do, doesn’t imply they’re unaware of their actions or behavior. Rather it is that they don’t realize for whose purpose they act or are moved to action. However, the purpose of those made sons & daughters of GOD by the blood of Jesus isn’t about reacting but it is about acting or doing in the way of GOD. The Lord Jesus was far from a doormat, and none on earth had the power to take His life. Rather, The Passion of The Christ was about the grace of the Sovereign Lord God Almighty on our behalf. Jesus the Anointed One was born without sin, walked this earth sans sin, and offered up (sacrificed) His sinless lifeblood for all mankind, in perfect obedience to the will of Yahweh/Jehovah; resulting in a full grown man seated at the right hand of God the Father; and those of us reconciled unto the Family of GOD by the Blood are seated with Him (Ephesians 2:6) because we are “in Him”. The Church is neither edifice nor denomination but the Body of Christ Who is the universal and supreme Head as appointed by God the Father (Ephesians 1:22). Jesus the Anointed One only spoke and did as He heard of the Father; and we are “called” out of darkness that we may have ears to hear what doth sayeth the LORD via revelation of the information in the WORD by the Teaching of the Holy Spirit to establish God’s covenant in the earth. We are empowered to do so by keeping God’s Word on our eyes, in our ears, and on our tongue; and when the wicked one whispers “you can’t” or “that doesn’t pertain to you” we are to exercise the sacred ministry-of-authority in the Name above all names. Our right standing is not of ourselves ( Ephesians 2:4,5,8,9); for the first Adam’s decision (free-will) to act contrary to God’s strong advice rendered all mankind born in sin. Rather, it is by the grace of GOD Whose Word never returns void that the keys of death and Hades have been taken from the evil one by the finished work of Christ Jesus; to the praise and glory of GOD Who first loved me (and you too).