Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

 1  God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods. 2 How long will you judge unjustly, And show partiality to the wicked?  3  Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy.  4  Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked.  5  They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are unstable.  6  I said, ‘You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.Psalm 82:1-6 (NKJV)

14  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.  15  For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by Whom we cry out ‘Abba Father.Romans 8:14-15 (NKJV)

 As we forgive others we must also remember to forgive ourselves. That thoughts from the thief which whisper unworthiness are cast down immediately with authority in the Name above every name (John 10:10a; 2Co 3:5; Matthew 28:18; Mark 16:17; Philippians 2:9). For such thoughts are forever contrary to how GOD sees those reconciled unto Him by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus. Thoughts contrary to the those of Abba Father in regard to His sons and daughters are sent to promote boundaries that are actually powerless in terms of attempts to restrict citizens of the Kingdom of God. Kingdom citizens who are aware of the power of God within (Ephesians 3:20), received the anointing for the fulfillment or successful completion of their God-given assignment. The only boundaries that the children of God are to adhere to stems from the commandment of divine love. More specifically, the Living Word said, “Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from themMatthew 22:37-40 (MSG). Yes, the Kingdom of God has principles and laws and a culture; it’s a kingdom of integrity, abundance, protection, justice, deliverance, etcetera.

 The thief is a defeated foe, conquered by the blood of Jesus and the utterance of our testimony (Colossians 2:15; Revelation 12:11). For the Blood makes whole as well as free. “Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeedJohn 8:36 (NKJV). The Lord Jesus only spoke and did as He heard of the Father. Such involves standing firm-footed on the Word of God regardless of how things may look in the natural realm. Speaking in the way of Him who is Omnipotent and Omniscient and Omnipresent is to refuse speak contrary to what YHWH (with inserted vowels – YAHWEH, transliterated – JEHOVAH, and generally translated – the LORD) says. For that which sons and daughters of God speak are neither empty nor worthless; our words are containers. The Sovereign Lord God Almighty – our Abba Father by the blood of Jesus created the universe with words, and mankind was created in His image (Genesis 1:1-27). As it is written, God the Father called us out of the dominion of darkness and into the kingdom of His only begotten Son (Luke 1:26-35; Colossians 1:13). The Lord Jesus never preached religion. Rather, YESHUA/JESUS taught and manifested the Kingdom of God. The prayer He taught included: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heavenMatthew 6:10 (NKJV).

Sons and daughters of GOD are called out of the dominion of darkness to “brick” (manifest) the government of the Kingdom in the earth. Our allegiance is to GOD; it’s neither to any political party nor to go along with ungodly laws created by those who know not what they do (manipulated by the cohorts of the thief that only comes to steal and kill and destroy). How are the manipulations of the thief recognized? By becoming familiar with the character or essence of GOD through reading, studying, meditating and muttering His Word. For though the spirit is re-created or reborn in an instant, renewal of the soul (i.e., spirit, will, emotions) is ongoing via the Word of God by the Teaching of the Holy Spirit. Why is rebirth of the spirit instant whereas renewal of the mind isn’t? It is because the things of GOD and relationship with Him is by faith which is of free-will. GOD never intrudes upon the free-will of mankind. The re-created spirit is by an individual’s belief and confession (Acts 2:21;Romans 10:9); and to reset one’s thinking via (ongoing) renewal of the mind is also a strictly personal decision. GOD never infringes on free-will; yet He is ever open to invitation. Therefore, the Holy Spirit’s Ministry is now in the earth to remind us of all things Jesus (John 14:16,17,26 & 16:13). For we have received the promised Holy Spirit (Galatians 3:14); sealed with Him (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13b & 4:30) until the Second Coming of Christ. To which a significant number of us reiterate the Apostle John’s response to the Lord Jesus, “Amen. Come Lord JesusRevelation 22:20b (NIV).

Speak the promise . . . Harriet