Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

 Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.Isaiah 41:10 (AMP)

Although the foundation of the Constitution of this great nation is of Scripture, the discord between ethnic groups evident even within the “remnant chosen by grace” (Romans 11:5) stems from the fact that behavior didn’t keep in-step with the way of GOD. More specifically, whereas the “Settlers” who traveled westward across the Ocean to worship the GOD of the original branches – “YHWH, with inserted vowels – YAHWEH, transliterated – JEHOVAH, and generally translated – the LORD”,1 sans persecution, didn’t respect the God ordained precepts which formed the culture of God’s selected original branches. In other words, they wanted GOD without His precepts. Howbeit the adopted mindset which claimed that the ungodly treatment of other human beings via slavery based on skin color was a “necessary evil” whereas no aspect of evil is of GOD who is LOVE. God’s selected original branches from the line of Shem would also experience the government sanctioned inhumanity of indentured servitude for more than 400 years (Exodus 12:40).

 In addition to brutal forced labor, the oppression of the original branches included the government ordered extermination of every male baby (Exodus 1:22 & 5:4-17). “Then the LORD said to him, ‘Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessionsGenesis 15:13-14 (NIV). God’s promise of deliverance (Exodus 6:6) was precipitated by nine plagues directed toward the various gods worshipped therein. Afterward God’s selected original branches were let go with the spoils thereof. (Another name for “spoils” is reparations; vengeance [not revenge] and recompense is of the LORD. Those of the Family of GOD may seek justice – vengeance and recompense directly from the LORD.)

 Order is of GOD who provided a three part system for His selected original branches: The Ten Commandments – absolutes for spiritual and moral life; Civil Law – rules to manage their lives (i.e., servants, personal property, protection of property, social responsibility, justice and mercy, sabbath laws); and Ceremonial Law – patterns pertaining to worship.2 Therefore, having experienced oppression and brutal forced labor, precepts pertaining to civility included:

  • Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were also aliens in Egypt. Exodus 22:21 (NIV)
  • Do not oppress an alien; you yourselves know how it feels to be aliens because you were aliens in Egypt.Exodus 23:9 (NIV)
  • And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt.Deuteronomy 10:19 (NIV)

 We serve a GOD of order. The Kingdom of GOD has a culture which adheres to laws or precepts. Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing was sent to teach about the Kingdom of GOD and exemplify how we were created to have dominion over the earth. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it . . . .Genesis 1:27-28 (NIV). That is,  dominion over the earth; not dominion over those created in the image of GOD. For those reconciled unto the Family of GOD by the blood of Jesus are called to liberate people.  

 Speak the promise . . . Harriet

 1 Whitaker, KJVER Sword Study Bible. (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House), ix

2 Zondervan, Life Application Study Bible: New International Version. (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House), 95