No sane person desires to saunter into battle. Ready or not, however, the fiery darts of the fallen angel – satan (Luke 10:18) and the cohorts thereof are aimed at each and every individual reconciled unto the Family of GOD by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus. This is termed “spiritual warfare” and we are victorious via the Written Word – Holy Bible, the Living Word – YESHUA/JESUS, and the Living Water – the Holy Spirit. We are strongly advised to put on or apply the whole armor of GOD (Ephesians 6:11-18) because spiritual warfare doesn’t depend upon our own unobtrusiveness. For the fallen angel is a bully, to say the least, that only recognizes the yoke destroying power of Abba Father who is Omnipotent & Omniscient & Omnipresent. The frequently used term “going through” requires action by the things of GOD because passivity won’t dissuade the thief’s intent to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10a). Therefore, each of us must enforce the things of GOD on any and all demonic activity sent and/or manipulated by the fallen angel and the cohorts thereof. That the battle is the LORD’s (1 Samuel 17:47) is neither a television nor pay-per-view event; David “ran quickly toward the battle line1Sa 17:48 (NIV). That “all things work together for good . . .Romans 8:28 (KJV), pertains to our free access to for the application of the power weapons of the Body of Christ which include but not limited to: The Word of GOD (Ephesians 6:17), the Name of JESUS (Ephesians 1:21; Mark 16:17), the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-10), the ministry-of-authority (Mark 16:15-18). May we who comprise The Church which is the Body of Christ of which He is the universal and supreme Head (Ephesians 1:22-23 [AMP]) be increasingly attentive to God’s instruction via sensitivity to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Our ever faithful and compassionate YHWH (with inserted vowels Yahweh transliterated Jehovah commonly interpreted the LORD) is always ready to help each of us; and He sent Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing to eliminate the need of a middle-man at the precise moment the curtain was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51). Now, we may directly ask the Savior for help, with confident thanksgiving in Jesus’ name, Amen.