Published by Harriet on 08 Feb 2025
Dispensations of Time . . .
Mankind (i.e., man/male, woman/female) has experienced various dispensations of time. A Study Bible cites a timespan void of Prophets, through whom YHWH (with inserted vowels YAHWEH transliterated JEHOVAH commonly interpreted the LORD) spoke to mankind, wherein there was “Nothing but silence” for 400 years.1 Thereafter, the Living Word of God – The One sent of the LORD – YESHUA/JESUS – the only begotten Son of God – Emmanuel – the precious Lamb of God – Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing who called Himself the Son of Man – Bread of life – Light of the world – Gate/Door for the sheep – Good Shepherd – The Resurrection and the Life – The Way, the Truth, and the Life – The Vine – the Teacher/Master and the Lord – Savior – the Root – the Offspring of David – the bright Morning Star – the Living One – The Messiah – The Healer – The Mediator – The Redeemer – Prophet and Apostle and High Priest – the Christ – the Alpha and Omega/the First and the Last/the Beginning and the End – KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
The arrival of the Lord Jesus marked the era of Good News or the Gospel. For the Lord Jesus walked in perfect obedience to the will of God the Father on behalf of all mankind; the sinless blood of Jesus ratified the New Testament/New Covenant between God and partakers thereof who are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ Jesus. Ultimately, the mystery of God’s plan succeeded because every word from God accomplishes that for which it is sent. Therefore, the only criteria established of the LORD that qualifies or makes eligible right standing with God and eternal life with Him is to believe and confess JESUS as Savior and Lord by faith (read Isaiah 55:11; John 3:15-16; Romans 10:9-10). In The Healing Anointing, K.E. Hagin (1993) stated that “the faith of the crowd can either help or hinder the Anointing”.2 Nowadays, a significant number of Christians are spoon-fed inaccuracies regarding God’s Word that essentially promotes fear which is the opposite of faith; doubt and unbelief is of the devil and those manipulated thereof.
The Word of God relays that those reconciled unto Him by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus are to cast or throw off or restrain fear. That faith operated by divine love comes by hearing God’s Word is “more precious than gold” will indeed be tried; Yet simple faith and patience are power twins that’ll produce the greater works (read – Romans 10:17; James 1:3; 1Jn 4:18; 1Pe 1:7; John 14:12). Therefore, reading, studying, meditating and confessing and/or muttering God’s Word must be a priority for partakers of this New Covenant confirmed by the precious blood of Jesus. For such develops a personal relationship with the LORD God through Christ Jesus (read John 6:44 & 14:6; 1Co 1:9; Colossians 1:13), and enables recognition of a fallacy/falsehood/lie. Revelation of the information in the Word of God through the Teaching of the Holy Spirit relays that the dispensation of time in which we currently live is that of the Holy Spirit whose Ministry was returned to earth by the LORD God upon the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus the Christ. However, created with free-will necessarily means that sons & daughters of God must respond to the Spirit of God because the LORD God comes by invitation and never by force. Therefore, that the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us doesn’t mean that He prays for us; Rather that we open our own mouth to pray in our Spirit-led language. Though I pray in my natural language, I particularly like or prefer praying in the Spirit because there’s no concern about incorrect prayer. Hence, I know that God hears me because I’m praying in keeping with His will. The Spirit of God is within the redeemed for a purpose (read – Acts 2:38; Galatians 3:13-14; John 16:13; Acts 1:8; 1Co 2:9-10; Joel 2:28; 1Jn 4:13; Romans 8:11 & 26-27; Ephesians 4:30 & 6:18; 1Jn 5:14-15).
Relative to my personal relationship with the LORD God through Christ Jesus in prayer and study of God’s Word, I keep the “switch of faith” turned on by speaking various confessions for the further development of the measure of faith gifted of God such as:
Confession: The Spirit of God is in me, the Anointing of God is on me’ the healing power of God is through me, the wisdom of God is being formed in me, the peace of God surrounds me, the favor of God is upon me, and the love of God (the God-kind of love) is being perfected in me; I believe and receive, in Jesus’ Name.
Peace . . . Harriet
1 Tyndale & Zondervan. (2005). Life Application Study Bible: New International Version. (pp. 1517-1518). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.; Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
2 Hagin, K.E. (1993). The Healing Anointing. (p. 230). Tulsa, OK: Faith Library publications.