Published by Harriet on 24 Mar 2014
CKMusing 372
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus the Christ,
“The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father” John 14:12 (NLT). Those made sons and daughters of the Sovereign LORD God Almighty by the blood of Jesus are called to be light every place we set our feet because Jesus is the light of the world, and we are in Him. That we may not get everything right all the time doesn’t negate the calling because through Christ Jesus each of us has received God the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of truth who teaches and reminds us of all things JESUS. That is, the Holy Spirit lives within each of us to help us in fulfilling our individual assignment(s) in bricking God’s Kingdom of Light on earth. Right standing by the blood of Jesus doesn’t exempt us from behavior contrary to the WORD of God because we appropriate the things of God out of the spirit realm into the natural realm by faith powered by love. In other words, we can do nothing based in hate because the things of God are by love because God is Love. The power of God who is Love, that mighty power by which the things of Love manifest through us, is “fueled” by divine love. God hates every offshoot of sin (which dies in His presence); God doesn’t hate those blinded by the manipulations of the evil one and his cohorts. After the first Adam exercised his choice to give dominion over the earth and everything in it to the evil one, God moved to restore it to man, blood covenant after blood covenant until the sinless blood of the Son of God – the resurrected Christ, defeated the evil one; and to the victorious One – JESUS, did all the spoils go. Glory to God! Now (this day), those who believe and confess Jesus the Christ as Savior and Lord may have abundant life because whatsoever the Sovereign LORD speaks cannot return void. Therefore, as Jesus spoke and did only what He heard of Abba Father, so too are we to speak and do as Jesus did; in so doing, we allow the power of God to work through us. Therefore, now (this day), having been given everything necessary to fulfill our individual assignments, we are commanded to Mark 16:15-18 with authority in the Name above all names – JESUS. Therefore, sons and daughters of Jehovah Sabaoth are called to enter “the demilitarized zone/the DMC” to break every chain much in the way that David ran toward Goliath. Those reconciled unto the Family of God by the blood of Jesus and exercise the God kind of faith are those who comprehend by the power of the Holy Spirit that which has been restored unto them by the blood of Jesus. These are they who apply the WORD in al circumstances, casting down doubt and fear in the Name above all names – JESUS , and everything else that attempts to exalt itself against the knowledge of God. By the grace of the LORD God Almighty – Abba Father, now (this day) we are co-heirs with our Lord Jesus having been given everything God has given Him; believe and receive to the glory, praise and honor of God the Father with thanksgiving in Jesus’ Name. (Read: Matthew 4:16; John 1:4-5, 8:12, 14:26; Matthew 6:10; 1Jn 4:8,16; Isaiah 55:10-11; Mark 11:22-24; Colossians 2:15; 1Sa 17:45-48; 2Co 10:4-5; Luke 10:19; Revelation 5:12; Romans 8:17; Galatians 3:29; Titus 3:2-7; Ephesians 2:1-10).
Speak the promise . . . Harriet