Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus the Christ,

“. . . I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses . . . choose life . . . obey His voice, and cling to Him. For He is your life . . .” Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (emphasis mine)

“1)  (She) who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of my God, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; my God in Him do I trust’. 3) Surely He saves me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome/perilous pestilence.  4) He covers me with His feathers, and under His wings I find refuge; His faithfulness is my armor and protection . . . 14) ‘Because (she) loves Me’, says the LORD I rescue (her); I protect (her) for (she) acknowledges My Name.  15)  (She) calls upon Me, and I answer (her); I Am with (her) in trouble, I deliver (her) and honor (her).  16) With long life I satisfy (her), and show (her) My salvation.” Psalm 91:1-4,14-16 (combined versions & personalized)

Often we allow the daily routines of life get in the way of doing what GOD advises through the Ministry of the Holy Spirit. Though a significant number don’t intentionally ignore GOD, an individual’s intent and what is actually done is evidenced by the fruit thereof. For example, during the week that we celebrated the 1st Coming of the Messiah – YESHUA/JESUS, I battled some sort of the devil’s virus accompanied with pain that discouraged the lifting of my left arm. The Encourager is Jehovah-Nissi who delivers and saves; He gives us the victory; He does miracles so great; He always leads us triumphantly through Christ Jesus.1 GOD created us in His image with free-will which means He doesn’t interrupt one’s self-determination. In my case, the Holy Spirit gently reminded day after day to get into the WORD as well as the Healing Scriptures but I kept deciding to do such and such first. This continued for several days until the devil’s cohort saw an opening which I unintentionally allowed. My victory over sickness manifested via daily double dosages of God’s Word, and adding “It’s already done” to my regular daily confessions. Activities of the devil and his cohorts such as sickness are illegal in the life of any Believer because Christ Jesus defeated satan at the cross (Colossians 2:15). In other words, Christ Jesus is The Overcomer, and each individual “in Him” is necessarily an overcomer; and then He gave every Believer authority to use the Name above all names (Luke 10:19; Matthew 28:18). Mark 16:17-18 could be summed-up as follows: “In My Name . . . you will, you will, you will, you will, you will, you will . . .”. Oh! You and I have full use of the Name above every name . . . that Name has power and glory and majesty and authority. Believers are of the seed of Abraham; “For Abraham is the father of us all. He is not our racial father—that’s reading the story backward. He is our faith fatherRomans 4:16 (MSG). Regardless of how things looked in the natural realm, Abraham believed GOD as evidenced by action; he walked by faith not by sight. We too believe what GOD says is true and that it is true unto us according to God’s Word; and we’re in good company: from Joseph to Moses to Joshua to Rahab to Deborah to Ruth to Hannah to David to the Prophets to the Shunammite woman to Daniel to Mary who said, “BE it unto me according to what GOD has said” (Luke 1:38).

That which we allow out of the mouth-gate is very important. The Book of Genesis relays the fact that GOD created by His speak; and created in the likeness of GOD so too is power in our own speak . . . words are containers. Therefore, those rendered sons and daughters of GOD by the blood of Jesus must speak in the way of GOD over our own lives. That the promises of GOD may be made manifest out of the spirit realm into the natural realm to establish His covenant in the earth. People are hurting, and people are still being deceived to their own detriment. Yet GOD doesn’t come sans an invite for His power to work through us (only satan comes uninvited) because He gave dominion over the earth to man (Genesis 1:26-28); and GOD never goes back on His Word (Isaiah 55:8-11). The primary way we invite GOD is through prayer which is one of the greatest weapons in God’s arsenal.1   As stated by Kenneth E. Hagin, stopping at Ephesians 6:17 renders the “whole armor of God” practically useless.2  Ephesians 6:18 tells us that there are different kinds of prayers. Nevertheless, prayer is asking Abba Father (directly) which Believers do in the Name of Jesus. Intercessory Prayer intercedes on behalf of the un-saved. Prayers of Supplication are given on behalf of those who are saved yet haven’t developed the firm-footed confidence by the Teaching of the Holy Spirit as to the power of God within through Christ Jesus. Praying in the Spirit or in tongues is praying with the help of the Holy Spirit and is most powerful because much is accomplished in less time. (Further, it keeps the devil from knowing what you’re praying/asking GOD about.) That praying in the Spirit/tongues ceased is a lie from the father of lies. No aspect of the all redeeming, re-creating, reconciling, pacifying, all restoring blood of Jesus will ever cease. Our part is as the Lord Jesus – the Living Word (John 1:1:14) said: “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all else will be added unto youMatthew 6:33 (KJ21). It is also why the Apostle Paul was told: “My grace is sufficient2 Corinthians 12:9 (KJV); not because it was expected for Paul to suffer sickness . . . No, Christ Jesus did all of the suffering for all mankind (Isaiah 53:5; 1Pe 2:24; John 10:10; Romans 8:11). Sickness isn’t of GOD; He is Jehovah-Rapha – my Healer.

Speak the promise . . . Harriet

1 Duplantis, J. (2016). Living At The Top. (pp. 152-154). Tulsa, OK: Harrison House.

2 Wilkerson, J. with Olsson, B. (2001). Contact With God: The Amazing Power of Prayer. (p. 73). Branson, MO: Billye Brim Publications.

3 Hagin, K.E. (1987, 1988, 1989, 1992). The Art of Prayer: A Handbook on How to Pray. (p. 176). Tulsa, OK: Faith Library Publications.