Published by Harriet on 21 Sep 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,
Believers are a peculiar people walking by faith, praying the Will (in the WORD) of God, and bringing forth everything given for life and godliness through Christ Jesus. That is, the redeemed who serve for God’s good purpose can do all things by His power as we allow it to work through us (1 John 4:4; Philippians 4:13). Sons and daughters of God by the blood of Jesus serve a living God; yet our service isn’t as in the familiar vernacular of the world’s system. Rather, we serve as kings (relative to the material) and/or priests (relative to the spirit). Our Lord Jesus preached the gospel or good news of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15); and all who believe on and receive of Jesus the Christ are kingdom citizens this day. Today (not “in the great by and by”) we are a kingdom of kings and priests (Revelation 1:6 KJV). The “calling” is not on some of us but it is on each one of us to establish God’s covenant in the earth; and God doesn’t send sans whatsoever is necessary to accomplish an assignment (2 Peter 1:3). Our Abba (Daddy) God Who is Love, desires we seek Him first for whatsoever is necessary with full confidence (faith) that He will do it. As it is written, God hears us when we ask whatsoever, in Jesus’ Name, (that is in keeping with His Will in the WORD as revealed by the Holy Spirit). Faith in action renders thanksgiving to Abba Father, in Jesus’ Name, even before its manifestation (John 14:13; Colossians 3:17).
That which one receives is dependent on whether one believes God’s WORD or the whispers of His enemy. Abba Father freely gave His Only Begotten Son, and God the Son – Jesus freely sacrificed His sinless lifeblood so that we might (free-will) be reconciled unto God as sons and daughters. Nothing in keeping with God’s Will is withheld; the requirement is to believe we receive when we pray/ask; He gives speedily . . . at the moment asked (Mark 11:24). That which Abba Father gives to each of us has nothing to do with what we did but has everything to do with what Jesus did for us (Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 2:20). Some believe the whisper(s) of the enemy of God that the things of God do not pertain to them and/or that they aren’t worthy; and they receive the enemy’s postcards reminding them of past iniquities. However, those who believe on and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord are a new creation, and sins are not remembered by Abba Father (2 Corinthians 5:17; Jeremiah 31:34c). Be confident, therefore, that God gives His sons and daughters at the precise moment that we pray and believe we receive; ever increasing faith powered by divine love brings forth out of the spirit realm into the natural realm for the good purpose and glory of God. Abba Father, in Jesus’ Name, we thank You for the mystery of Your plan revealed to us in Christ Jesus our Lord; that by your grace we may plead the blood of Jesus; and that every time we ask You answer. ? Hallelujah, Thine the glory; Hallelujah, Amen . . . ?
Speak the promise . . . Harriet
Acts 20:32