Published by Harriet on 23 Feb 2019
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus the Christ,
This morning, as I entered into quality time with the LORD which often begins with Scripture-based confessions (pertaining to healing & health, finances, wisdom, peace, strength, and protection), the vision (I’ve had for several years) of my home with a prayer room at the center and the property whereupon it will sit came to remembrance; and I perceived in my spirit the following:
Ye have not because Ye ask not!
Although this is found in James 4:2, methinks that it was relayed (to me) more in line with the concept that “faith takes!”. That is, specific to the empowering aspect of THE BLESSING. The WORD tells us that Jesus the Healer went around healing all of the sick who would receive Him (Matthew 4:23, 14:14, 19:2, 21:14; Mark 1:34; Luke 4:40 & 18:42). A significant number never received healing as relayed in Matthew 13:15 which is Isaiah 6:9-10, Mark 6:5, and John 12:40 because they either took offense (rather than take healing, as ill will towards others will impede or block the flow of THE BLESSING which includes healing & fullness of health); and/or they hadn’t the faith to receive healing. By the Word we may know that the woman with the issue of blood had faith for her own healing; for when she heard about the Living Word, she kept saying to herself: “If I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to health” Mark 5:25-34 (AMP). Therefore, we don’t allow the whispers of Lucifer’s cohorts sent to convince that a child of God doesn’t have the faith for healing. Immediately cast such thoughts down with authority in the Name above all names. Romans 12:3 informs that God’s grace/mercy gifted the measure of faith unto all “in Him”. Therefore, one of many confessions that may be spoken by those of like precious faith is: “I believe I receive the finished work of healing and health in my body by the finished work of Christ Jesus my Lord.” Further, if you feel the need to take whatever medicine of the worldly realm feel free to do so while also taking the medicine of the spirit realm which is the Word of God (Proverbs 4:22), as there is now no condemnation for those “in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1-2. (Continual renewal of the mind by God’s Word develops or strengthens the re-created spirit. Therefore, we endeavor not to base reading the WORD around our schedule; we base our schedule around reading the WORD.)
By the Word of God we may know (revelation by the Teaching of the Holy Spirit) that God’s plan of salvation or the redemption of man (i.e., male, female) involved the nation of Israel before it would include other nations. Indeed Love who is God has agapaõ/agap? for all created in His image. However, man has consistently proven to value exercising the free-will with which God created us instead of doing in keeping with His desire that we choose life and blessings (Deuteronomy 30:15-20). Neither were the Israelites immune to this seemingly pre-disposition to do contrary to God’s advice, as did the first Adam. However, just as God foreknew you and I, He knew that a descendent of Shem (the only one of Noah’s three sons) would be diligent about teaching his children the way of the LORD. That descendent of Shem was Abram who God later renamed Abraham. As it pertained to teaching the way of God, this thread so to speak would continue from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob (who God later renamed Israel). Although all of these men certainly had personal issues, the fact remained that they would maintain the diligence necessary to insure the line of Judah through which the promised Messiah would come. (Both Mary and Joseph were godly people of the line of Judah.) THE BLESSING which empowered dominion over the earth given to the first Adam, whose use of free-will resulted in its forfeiture to Lucifer, would be restored by the redemptive work of the last Adam – Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing because whatsoever goes forth from the mouth of God can never return void (Isaiah 55:11). Therefore, since God bestowed dominion over the earth and the things thereof to man, only a man sans sin could BE a substitute for the reconciliation of man to God with all rights and privileges as God’s sons and daughters restored . . . the new covenant ratified by the blood of Jesus. This is why we love and adore YESHUA/JESUS, for only by the grace of Abba Father would the sinless blood of Jesus reconcile us unto the Family of God. Jesus is Lord because only He could and would walk in perfect obedience to the will of Abba Father that we might have abundant life (John 10:10b). Through the redemptive work of Christ Jesus we received THE BLESSING of Abraham (Galatians 3:14); that same empowerment that our ever faithful God bestowed to the first Adam, then to Noah, then to Abraham, so forth and so on. God told Abraham that he would be the father of many nations (Genesis 17:4, and that all nations would be blessed through him (Genesis 18:18). To reiterate “He is not our racial father — that’s reading the story backward. He is our faith father” Romans 4:16d (MSG). Today, “we” includes those of other nations who believe and confess Him (Romans 10:9; 1Jn 4:15); for other nations were never left out of the mystery of God’s plan revealed in Christ Jesus (John 10:16; 1Pe 2:9; Revelation 7:9). By the Word we learn about a man from one of the other nations who having faith for his servant’s healing sent elders of the Jews (Luke 7:3) to make the request on his behalf. The fact that the request was sent in this manner seems to indicate that the Officer was somewhat aware of the fact that Jesus’ ministry wasn’t yet for those who weren’t of the original branch (Romans 11:11-32); bottom line – Jesus healed the servant. There was also a woman who came and asked Jesus to heal her daughter, and instead of taking offense at reference to a dog, focused on her faith-filled request; bottom line – Jesus healed the daughter. At that point in time, the measure of faith unto the ingrafted branch wasn’t yet of grace because Christ Jesus hadn’t been glorified. Nevertheless, these are they who sought after the force of faith. Yea, and we have received the measure of faith that, even faith the size of a mustard seed, has force to move or remove that which blocks (Luke 17:5-6; Mark 11:22-25).
Speak the promise . . . Harriet