Published by Harriet on 26 Nov 2016
Weapons of GOD . . .
The Weapons of GOD:
A Non-Exhaustive List For Believers
(2 Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 6:11-18)
- The Word of GOD – the sword of the Spirit (stand steadfast on it)
- The Name above all names – JESUS/YESHUA (say it)
- The blood of Jesus (apply it)
- The whole armor of GOD (pick it up, put it on, and stand your ground)
- truth
- righteousness
- peace
- faith
- salvation
- the Word of God – the sword
- prayer (all kinds for self and others)
- Anointing Oil (pour it)
- Angels of GOD – ministering spirits that move only by God’s Word (send them)
- Ministry of Authority (use it)
- Exaltation – giving praise and glory to GOD (do it)
A Believer’s Prayer
Father, in Jesus’ name, I seek first Your kingdom and righteousness; that ever increasing faith powered by abounding love and undergirded with patience for steadfastness on Your WORD manifest every aspect of Your inheritance and mighty power bestowed the heirs of salvation. In accordance with Ephesians 2:6, I humbly take my seat with Christ at Your right hand in the heavenly realms yielding as a willing vessel; that Your power may move effectively through me by the Holy Spirit. Father, I am grateful for every inherit blessing in this irrevocable covenant bought and brought by the blood of Jesus. Teach me how to exercise the sacred ministry of authority entrusted to me; that I may stand in the gap and make-up the hedge; that Your purpose for my life attains the full measure of stature in Christ Jesus to Your honor praise and glory, with thanksgiving in Jesus’ name, Amen.