Published by Harriet on 28 Apr 2018
The LORD Has Your Back . . .
My Realtor – Kimberly Njoroge gave me a much needed word today: fear. If anyone knows that fear is the opposite of faith, it is me. Nevertheless, I needed the reminder delivered in a single word; simply and calmly stated sans extraneous verbiage. Some fiery darts of the wicked one are subtle. Yet, whether these be of the loud or subtle variety, each is sent for one purpose: to make any reconciled unto the Family of God by the blood of Jesus get back. In other words, to contemplate a retreat of sorts; remaining with the familiar as opposed to stepping out in the way that the LORD is leading.
Having entered into this specific faith walk about eight months ago, some aspects have shown easy in regard to all that the LORD has been crossing off my “to do” list in a clear and steady manner. By the WORD, we know that the whole armor of God is a daily necessity. Yet the subtlety of some fiery darts of the thief is a well camouflaged sinkhole if a faith-walker forgets (even for a nanosecond) that the LORD’s way isn’t the world’s way. It is in prayer, that quality time spent in the presence of the Father through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit whereof the LORD gently reminds: “I got your back.”
Psalm 121:2-3 (NLT) – “2) My help comes from the LORD, who made the heavens and the earth! 3) He will not let (me) stumble and fall; the one Who watches over (me) will not sleep.”