Published by admin on 22 Mar 2010
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus the Christ,
The Kingdom of God is a matter of power (1Co 4:20). Confession: “The Lord perfects that which concerns me (Psalms 138:8). It is true unto me according to the Word of God (Psalms 119:25). Believers are a peculiar people because we don’t aspire to the ways of the world. Rather, Believers desire to walk in the Way of Our Father; to be like Him even now (read 1 John 4:13-17; 1 Peter 2:9-10). We lay our will on the altar because God’s Will is our purpose (read Php 2:13; Ro 8:28-30). We take care to obey because God’s Way is better. Be careful to “22 . . . observe all these commandments . . . to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways and to hold fast to him– . . . 24 Every place where you set your foot will be yours . . .” Deuteronomy 11:22,24a (NIV). Given the curse of the law and the shedding of the blood of animals required to cover sin, such was a good covenant all by itself. But Jesus, Who was without sin, mediated a better covenant by His own blood as ransom for the forgiveness of sin; thereby bringing humankind into the law of the Spirit of Life. Jesus took back the keys Adam lost to the evil one. Instead of poverty we have wealth; instead of sickness we have health; and instead of spiritual death we have eternal life (read Isaiah 52:13-15; 53; John 5:24; 2Co 8:9).
Jesus came in the order of Melchizedek (read Psalms 110:1-4). “But [that appointed time came] when Christ (the Messiah) appeared as a High Priest of the better things that have come and are to come” Hebrew 9:11 (AMP). Christ Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords because He enables humankind to boldly approach God’s throne of compassion and love; and with reverence and love, we ask Abba Father many things both tangible (i.e., Helpmeet, wealth, health) and intangible (i.e., wisdom and revelation, divine love). We ask these things for ourselves through prayers of faith, and we ask for others by prayers of supplication. We ask with full confidence (faith) because we stand firmly on God’s Word. That is, we know God’s Word is true unto us: He delights in those who delight in Him, and desires all things good for us so that we may do good things for others (Dt 8:18; Psalms 37:4,23; Col 1:19). Yahweh first loved us (1Jn 4:10,19); He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His sons and daughters (Ps 35:27; Ro 8:14; Gal 3:14, 26-29). The Sovereign LORD God is a covenant making God Who watches to see that His Word is fulfilled (read Isaiah 55:10-11). The LORD Most High keeps His promises (1 Kings 8:56b); He is faithful. In Jesus’ Name, may the sons and daughters of Elohim be as faithful to Him as He has been and will always be to us (read Hebrews 10:23).
Speak the promise . . . Harriet