Published by Harriet on 27 Dec 2018
Ever Faithful and Merciful . . .
I’m amazed when people give lip to the Lord Jesus, yea, flabbergasted. I don’t mean that judgmentally because those to which I reference herein gave evidence of surrendering their lives to Christ far beyond anything I’ve exemplified (via writings as well as relational) thus far. Rather, it has more to do with personal reverence for the Godhead (which also doesn’t garner me any extra points) that almost leaves my mouth gaping as I think while reading, “you giving the Lord lip?!) But as Kenyon wrote,
“The Master was saying to me, ‘I want to be magnified in you. . . . I want first place in your life.’ I was afraid of Him. I spoke out, ‘Lord, I don’t dare let you have control for if I do I will never achieve the things for which I am so ambitious.’ And I shall never forget, a voice in my heart said, ‘I love you more than you love yourself. I am more ambitious for your success than you are. I have the ability to put you over.”1
Not that Kenyon’s immediate response wasn’t already known; perhaps the Lord Jesus’ initial statement was for clarity as to His desire. Further, my amazement relates to the seemingly questioning of direct instruction or advice from the Lord as opposed to the aspect of discussion.
Another author relays a conversation with the Lord Jesus as a result of inadvertently ministering healing mixed with doubt. The Lord Jesus appeared to remind of His exact statement, and repeated it each time the recipient essentially responded that he was already well aware. (Again, I think while reading, “you arguing with the Lord?!”) But as Hagin wrote,
“I think I know how Jesus looked when He drove the money-changers out of the Temple, as recorded in Mark chapter 11. Suddenly it seemed as if His eyes shot fire; I could see flashes of lightning in them. For the fourth time He jabbed His finger at me and said emphatically, ‘Yes, but I said the demons will go!‘ Then He disappeared. I realized then that I had acted in unbelief.”2
Neither, is my personal reverence due to fear; for the Sovereign Lord God Almighty created us with free-will. (And) this New Covenant reconciling believers to Abba Father was ratified by the blood of Jesus; Who was sent despite mankind’s seemingly pre-disposition to respond and/or act as though one might possibly know better than The Omniscient. Oh! The ever faithful and patient and merciful and compassionate GOD who is LOVE.
1 Kenyon, E.W. (Twenty-Eight Printing, 2011). New Creation Realities: A Revelation of Redemption. (pp. 82-83). Lynwood, Washington: Kenyon’s Gospel Publishing Society.
2 Hagin, K.E. (Second Edition, Tenth Printing, 2003). I Believe in Visions. (p. 57). Tulsa, OK: Faith Library Publications.