Published by Harriet on 21 Sep 2021
Manifesting God’s Power . . .
The sons & daughters of GOD by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus decree and declare faith for miracles, in Jesus’ Name, to the glory of God the Father.
Miracles, signs, and wonders by the Anointing on us through the person of the Holy Spirt in us gives glory to God the Father, with thanksgiving in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
(What is a miracle?) Miracle: “a divine intervention on the normal course of nature.” Kenneth Copeland
The favor of God. “Favor requires IQ (intelligence) + EQ (emotional dexterity) + AQ (adaptability).” Bishop T.D. Jakes
“Your time in God’s presence will determine the manner by which you will manifest His promises.” Rev. Samuel Rodriguez
“Ownership Faith: owns God’s promises of God; flows in manifested & manifold blessings; demands delivery . . . . . .” Apostle Leroy Thompson
“The Word of God in your spirit will manifest in your flesh (i.e., healing, health, peace of mind, etcetera.). Faith is a servant of God; put faith on it!” Dr. Bill Winston
“Miracles work on expectation. Miracles start in the spirit. Talk like God and He will back it up.” Dr. Bill Winston
God has already sent His power (The Anointing) in the person of the Holy Spirit by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus. God expects each of us who comprise the Church/the Body of Christ to bring-in the manifestations thereof as we’re authorized to do.
“our faith activates the power that is present and brings that power into manifestation. Be skillful in cooperating with God.” Nancy Dufrense