Published by Harriet on 24 Jun 2014
CKMusing 377
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus the Christ,
We who are beloved and made worthy by the blood of Jesus, united with The LORD God Almighty through Him are citizens of God’s Kingdom of Light even now. Therefore, we are in the world but not of the world; sent and/or called-out for God’s (always good) purpose: to establish God’s covenant in the earth by His mighty power working through us. In the WORD are significant examples of situations which seemed impossible in the natural realm but one or more faith-walkers acted with full confidence that all things are possible with God who works His power through whosoever connects their faith with Him. Faith connects to Divinity and the “change agents” of the past, present, and future are those who exemplify God’s kind of faith which isn’t swayed by what is seen in the natural. These are they who are firm-footed on what God has said/says in His WORD.
Of the fifteen leaders which Moses sent to scout Canaan land which God promised His chosen people, Joshua and Caleb were the only two who exhibited faith/belief in what God spoke regarding it. The lack of faith amongst the other thirteen leaders manifested in a bad report which facilitated such fear (as typically ushered in by doubt) that the people actually received the thought to stone the two who believed God. Those who spoke un-belief in terms of a self-perceived inability to take the land never entered whereas Joshua and Caleb who had faith in (believed) God entered. (Read – Numbers 13:1-12; Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Joshua 1:1-9.)
Deborah who served as a prophet and judge over Israel, sent for Barak to relay God’s command that he was to prepare for battle with specific companies of soldiers from Israel; and Deborah would get the leader of Canaan’s army with its troops to the Kishon River assuring Barak’s victory. However, Barak refused to “do” in keeping with God’s plan unless Deborah went with him into battle. Of course, Deborah agreed to do so, while also making it clear to Barak that because of his attitude or lack of faith, the LORD would use a woman’s hand to secure the victory. (Read – Judges 4:1-22 and 5:24-27.)
Regardless of what the situation looks like in the natural, those who believe that God speak is the “real deal”, are those whose faith connects with Divinity to turn whatever the situation completely around in their favor, to the glory and praise of Our Father – the LORD God Almighty. As divinely relayed, just like the rain and snow come down from the heavens and do not return until the earth is watered, causing grain producing seed and the bread thereof, every WORD spoken by God always produces (Isaiah 55:11). Given the manner in which such produced in the Old Testament, even much more for us who by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus have a better covenant which is the New Testament. Therefore, when those made sons and daughters of God by the blood of Jesus plant by faith, the life-giving seed of God’s WORD in the spirit, it can only add to the Spirit of life.
Speak the promise . . . Harriet