Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? . . . first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:3-5 (NIV)

It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? . . . Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.” Matthew 6:3-5 (MSG)

A significant number of Believers/Christians revel in negativity, chewing on it like cud over and over again; a kind of feasting on an all-you-can-eat buffet of poison that they’re eager to share with others. Yet all of us are just a step away from the finished work of Christ Jesus; for it is by God’s grace (unmerited favor) that the blood of Jesus has made it so that Abba Father sees the redeemed in the same way that He sees the LORD Jesus. The more that those of us reconciled unto God the Father spend time in the things of GOD, and learning to walk in the ministry-of-authority by the Teaching of the Holy Spirit, there will likely be less effort toward complaining because we’ll be too busy doing that which binds the activity of the perpetrator who works through people to “steal, kill, and destroy“. The sons (denoting herewith maturity as opposed to gender) of God are not waiting for God to bust a move.

God is waiting on us . . . to stand in the gap and make-up the hedge; that the lost may come into the knowledge of the truth, and out of the snare of the devil. We are to birth new citizens into His kingdom, bring healing to the sick, cause finances to come to those in need, and bring God’s compassionate love (agape) to the brokenhearted. A significant number of those of the Old Testament/Old Covenant had light in Goshen and the protecting Passover by the blood of animals, yet complained relentlessly. The blood of Jesus shed once for all has given partakers of the New Testament/New Covenant a more better covenant. Jesus is Lord because He walked in perfect obedience to the will of God the Father and we get to reap the benefits thereof; we are citizens of God’s Kingdom of Light, and we have been given authority in the Name above all names. What the world needs now is far more evidence of God working through us by the power of the Holy Spirit, and far less of the whine.