Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

• God has given us His Spirit (1 John 4:13). • God has given us the measure of faith (Romans 12:3c). • God has given us His kind of love – divine love (Romans 5:5b). • God has given us His righteousness in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21). The things of God are of the grace (favor) of God; all of which are given through Christ Jesus. Neither the love of God, nor righteousness, nor the inheritance thereof can be earned through works; we are given these and more by the grace of God through the blood of Jesus. Yet, as is the case with any gift, such has to be willingly received. Sans a personal relationship with God and revelation knowledge of the information in the WORD of God (for the continual renewal of the mind [soul] via teachings) by the Holy Spirit, a significant number of Believers maintain guilt and other aspects of unbelief because they pick or choose parts of the WORD to believe and to do, rather than all of the WORD. Unbelief, as clarified by Bill Winston is “believing something that God did not say”. Operating as an agent of change, manifesting the things of God by the power of God, requires both believing in God and believing what God says about the transformation of a nature brought and bought by the blood of Jesus. Neither salvation nor the inherit change of nature thereof can be felt; it is evidenced by good fruit. God created man in His likeness with free-will to choose life and prosperity or death and destruction; yet the Sovereign LORD our God desires that we choose life. This day, those made sons and daughters by the blood of Jesus are in the world but not of the world; moving forward in the defense and confirmation of the gospel of Christ with clarity and gentleness; invading territories of darkness as epistles of the Light Who is Jesus. The WORD of God is truth and life; and God sent the Living Word – Jesus Who is the way, the truth, and the life so that we might have fullness of life; not a barely getting by life but the kind of life that allows one to be a change agent in a neighborhood, workplace, and/or the lives of others to establish God’s covenant in the earth. Jesus the Anointed One agreed to be born as man, minister unto man (to show us the Way by which we were created to operate), and sacrificed His sinless lifeblood to obliterate sin and every malady thereof; so that every malevolence and/or malfeasance is rendered ineffective and/or nullified by those made sons and daughters of God. That is, no lack whatsoever: no sickness, no poverty, no anxiety, no fear, etcetera. This is the power of God received at the point of redemption, re-creation, reconciliation and restoration. Yet one must believe in God and in what He says about those in Christ Jesus as relayed in His WORD through revelation by the Holy Spirit (as opposed to interpretation by the deception of the Antichrist). The re-created spirit is superior; yet the mind (soul) must be renewed because the flesh (body) desires to conform to the familiar; come up! (Read – 2Co 1:20; Phi 4:19; 2Pe 1:3; 1Jn 4:9-10; Eph 2:8-9; Ro 5:17; Eph 4:23; Col 3:10; John 14:26 & 16:13; Ge 1:26-28; Dt 30:15,19; Ezekiel 33:11; Mark 16:15-18; 2Co 4:1-6; Phi 4:5 [NKJV]; Matthew 5:14; John 1:1, 8:12, 14:6; 1Pe 1:18-25, 2:1-10; John 10:10 [AMP]; 1Jn 4:1-6; Isaiah 32:17; 1Jn 5:14-15.)

Speak the promise . . . Harriet