Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

 The Sovereign LORD Who is Abba Father is a covenant maker and a covenant keeper; He is ever faithful. The LORD God Almighty created man in the likeness of Himself for fellowship. Yet beginning with the first Adam, man has continually attempted to “show” God (with much prompting from the enemy of God) that he can do it all by himself as evidenced by the ever increasing removal of God from the rubric of everyday life; even a significant number of churches are increasingly becoming places of entertainment as opposed to places of worship (of which one example is when the reading of announcements takes precedent over the reading of the WORD to the actual exclusion of it during a Worship Service). The fact is that we need God at the forefront of everything we endeavor to do because the power to do in the Way of righteousness is of God. Every good thing is of God’s grace; we do not set aside the grace of God. As Apostle Paul clarified in his letter to the Believers in Galatia, we cannot do in the way of God by the law. Created with free-will, the flesh has a tendency toward desire regardless of the circumstance until the consequences of such manifest. The law was established because man insisted on “showing” God (as if the Sovereign LORD isn’t aware of all things) that he could do right all by himself; and they didn’t want a direct relationship with God. Rather they wanted an intermediary – a third party between man and God. As a result of this request, the Angels of God relayed all the law to Moses that was set before the chosen people of God who were to obey such by their own power. The thing about the law delivered through Moses was that all of it had to be followed all of the time to prevent the curse that came as a result of not following it. But God put in place a way of atonement through the sacrifice of innocent animals upon which the sins committed would be covered until such a time that He would come in the likeness of man to obliterate (as opposed to cover) the sins of mankind. That is, the promised Seed Who is JESUS – the last Adam, was sent to buy man’s freedom from the curse of the law; that we might (free-will) be reconciled unto God the Father as sons and daughters with all the rights and privileges thereof. In other words, the LORD our God sowed His Only Begotten Son for the harvest of many sons (i.e., male, female). Therefore, Jesus is Lord because He agreed to: be born as man, exhibit through ministry the Way in which man was created to operate in order to establish God’s covenant on earth, sacrifice His sinless lifeblood to take upon Himself all the sins of mankind, descended into hell to take back the keys of death and Hades for man; all of which Jesus did with full faith in God’s plan. And God the Father raised Jesus up from the dead, and seated Him at His (own) right hand; hence a full grown man sits next to the Sovereign LORD making intercession for us. That is, the Great Intercessor is still interceding for us; we intercede for the world (i.e., neighborhood, city, state, country, leaders, family, etc.) and our Lord Jesus intercedes for us. Glory to God! (Read – Dt 31:6; Joshua 1:5; Heb 13:5; Ex 20:19; Dt 5:27; Gal 3:19; John 10:10b; Rev 1:18c; Eph 1:20; Isaiah 53:5,12; Ro 8:34; James 1:22-25).

 Speak the promise . . . Harriet