Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus the Christ,

This is the end time of which Christ Jesus spoke; for those redeemed by the blood of the Only Begotten Son of God, who are well aware of the power of God within them, and who make use of the Whole Armor of God, we take joy in the midst of this latter rain because we have Jesus’ Anointing. The only man who had it better for a time was the first Adam who walked with God in the fullness of the glory; whereby only one heed from the Sovereign LORD our God meant no need for armor in order to accomplish his assignment which was to “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earthGenesis 1:28 (KJV). This first Adam, however, chose to exercise the free-will with which God created him; and through the enemy’s trickery of the first woman, the first man’s high treason gave the “keys” to Satan which resulted in the death of Adam’s spirit-man as well as the death of the first animal when the compassion and grace of God provided clothing. Yet God’s WORD can never return void, and so the mystery of God’s plan from the beginning included the last Adam who would be Emmanuel which means God with us. Therefore, ‘though the Holy Bible is all about Who would be the last Adam – JESUS, the Old Testament only revealed (by the Holy Spirit through the Prophets of God) types and shadows of Him for Whom the people of God earnestly prayed that they might witness during their lifetime. Then, ‘though many false prophets claimed to be, there would be no authentic or true Prophets of God after Malachi for a span of approximately 400 years.¹ Then the New Testament with the birth of the Only Begotten Son of God because a Woman of God who knew no man dared to believe (faith) and say to the Angel of God: “be it unto me according to the Word of God”; and a Man of God while considering to put his betrothed with child away quietly, so as not to expose her to public disgrace, dared to believe (faith) and do as relayed to him by the Angel of God. Then, Jesus lived amongst, ministered and taught the people, showing by example the manner in which the Sovereign LORD our God created us to operate with dominion over this world; and ‘though Jesus neither did evil nor did any guile come from His mouth, He experienced a significant number of haters, yet a significant number loved Him, and Jesus sacrificed His sinless lifeblood for the redemption of all mankind, reconciling those who believe (faith) on Him as Savior and LORD into the Family of Abba Father as sons and daughters. While a significant number of us look with great anticipation for The Rapture which is of the Second Coming of Jesus the Christ, this day we have received every blessing as well as the promised Holy Spirit who now teaches us and reminds us of all things Jesus. Therefore, for those who believe (faith) that it is true unto them according to the WORD of God by the blood of Jesus, we Mark 16:15-18 and Isaiah 61:2-4 to the glory, praise and honor of God with thanksgiving in Jesus’ Name. (Read – Matthew 24:7; Eph 6:11-18; Isaiah 55:11; Luke 1:38; Mt 1:19-25; John 14:26).

Speak the promise . . . Harriet

¹ Zondervan. (2005). Life Application Study Bible: New International Version. (p. 1517). Wheaton IL: Tyndale House Publishers.