Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus the Christ,

@croskey: Abba Father rebukes the devourer for my sake and all nations call me blessed for it is true unto me according to the WORD of God by the blood of Jesus.

@croskey: Christ Jesus only spoke what God said and as His ambassadors so too we; in the midst of pressure from the enemy of God, speak the WORD only.

@croskey: When the enemy of God comes after sons & daughter of God, he’s coming for the WORD; he’s a defeated foe, JESUS defeated him at The Cross.

@croskey: God’s power in those reconciled unto Him by the blood of Jesus helps us keep God’s WORD in our mouth; “speak the promise, not the problem”.

 I share that which blesses me because such might prove a blessing to others. Hence, as a result of the seemingly increase of attacks by the enemy of God (a sure sign that my breakthrough is about to manifest) I tweeted the above earlier this morning. Yesterday the pressure was such that I cried at the door of my closet in my office. However, aware that God is moved by faith in His good works as opposed to by tears from bad works of the devil, I refused to speak/say anything other than God’s promises to me. No matter what it looks like in the natural realm, Satan is a defeated foe because the Lord Jesus defeated him at The Cross (Colossians 2:15); and sure enough, by the end of the workday, the LORD made my victory clear to me . . . a sound example of recompense via faith under-girded by patience (Hebrews 10:35-38). The goal of any attack (i.e., test, trial, tribulation) which James 1:12-21 tells us are neither sent by nor of God, is to draw away from God via reactions which speaks and/or behaves contrary to the way of God. Ah, “but God” always makes a way of escape (1Co 10:13) for His sons and daughters. Further, that “…all things work together for good…” isn’t in reference to the bad things of the evil one and his cohorts who come to John 10:10a. Rather, Romans 8:26-28 is referring to the (always) good things of God. More specifically, it is referring to the power weapons of the Body of Christ – of which we are the Body and JESUS is the universal & supreme Head (Ephesians 1:22 [AMP] & Philippians 2:6-11).  Therefore, we are strongly advised, yea commanded, to use these power weapons (i.e., the WORD of God, the Name of Jesus, the gifts of the Spirit, etc.) in this war which isn’t against flesh & blood (Ephesians 6:12). Although a significant number of us would prefer to float along until the Second Coming of Jesus the Christ, the truth is that Satan has no intention of ever playing fair. Therefore, sons and daughters of the LORD God Almighty through Christ Jesus aren’t to ‘patty-cake” with neither the devil nor his cohorts. Rather, we resist and cast down, bind, and command with authority in the Name above all names-JESUS, who agreed to the will of Abba Father by coming so that we could. 

Speak the promise . . . Harriet

Copeland, K. (1992). Faith and Patience: The Power Twins. Fort Worth, TX Kenneth Copeland Publications.