Philippians 4:13 (personalized) – “I can do all things through Christ Jesus’ anointing which empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Christ Jesus’ anointing which infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ Jesus’ sufficiency]” (King James Version & Amplified Bible).

Whereas a significant number of versions pertaining to Philippians 4:13 state “who” (clearly a person), KJV states “which” (clearly a thing). Nevertheless, all versions point to the Lord Jesus of Whom a myriad of titles include the full & formal: Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing. Hence, the “which” in the King James Version is in reference to Christ Jesus’ Anointing; and all who believe and confess Him as Savior & Lord (Romans 10:9) are given part of Jesus’ Anointing. Those made sons & daughters of the Sovereign LORD God Almighty by the blood of Jesus are “in Him” (John 17:21-23; Ephesians 1:19-23 [AMP]; John 10:27-30).

In Him, we’ve each been given that which God the Father bestowed His Only Begotten Son (Revelation 5:12 [KJV]). Yes, worthy is the precious Lamb of God Who sacrificed His sinless lifeblood so that all who believe might receive fullness of life, in abundance (John 10:10b [AMP]). We are the Body of Christ Jesus and He is the universal and supreme Head; and each of us are assigned for God’s (always) good purpose. God says, “we can”; and by His mighty power we do (Colossians 1:11-14); all for the honor, praise and glory of God the Father, with thanksgiving in Jesus’ name, Amen.