GOD passed in front of Moses and said to him, “6) . . . The LORD, The LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7) keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. Even so I do not leave sin unpunished . . . 10) Behold, I make a covenant. And all the people around you will see the power of the LORD—the awesome power I will display through you.” Exodus 34:6-7,10 (KJV, NKJV, NIV, NLT combined).

GOD wants to do through you: His love through you; His grace through you; His mercy through you; His compassion through you; ; His blessing through you; His favor through you; His manifestations through you; His awesome power through you. I serve a covenant keeping and compassionate God; Who desires to help me out of the mess I unwittingly create for myself. Such is the favor of God at work in my life because I believe and receive the finished work of Christ Jesus; not because of anything I have done (Ephesians 2:4-10).

Whether original or engrafted, the branches on the Vine Who is Jesus The Anointed One are those redeemed by the blood of Jesus; and having thereof a recreated spirit, are reconciled unto the Family of God as sons and daughters of God the Father by His grace through the finished work of Christ Jesus; and having received thereof the Holy Spirit, God’s power resides within each of us. These are the set-apart ones, citizens of God’s Kingdom of Light.

Kingdom citizens who serve God with conscience cognition, do so as willing vessels for God’s always good purpose. These are they who stand in the gap: “giving of themselves and their time to prayer, birthing new citizens into God’s Kingdom, healing the sick, causing finances to manifest for those in need, and bringing the compassionate love of God to the broken-hearted. These are they who facilitate an opportunity for others to come into the knowledge of the Truth; that they may recover themselves from the snare of the devil” and his cohorts.*

*paraphrased from My Prayer of Intercession by Kenneth Copeland from: Copeland, K. (1985). The Outpouring Of The Spirit: The Result Of Prayer. Fort Worth, TX: Kenneth Copeland publications.