Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus the Christ,

Our union with God by the finished work of Christ Jesus has empowered us. People are not the devil; the devil works through people who allow such whether willingly or unwittingly. A significant number of people even choose to work for the devil and, as evidenced by the bad fruit thereof, are acting as his children (1Jn 3:7-10). As it is written the struggle which those made sons and daughters of GOD by the blood of Jesus are engaged isn’t of flesh & blood (Ephesians 6:12). Hence, the WORD of God tells us why we are not to allow others to take our joy (John 16:22). Joy is important to faith; the joy of the LORD is a force.¹ Hence the Living Word spoke about joy remaining within; that such might be full (John 15:11). K.E.Hagin (1986) described that which a Christian/Believer may expect when using their God given authority against strongholds of the devil; and it articulates that for which the term “going through” is often used: “The enemy will resist your interference in his sphere, because he’s exercising authority over the powers of the air, and he wants to continue to do so. When you interfere with Satan’s kingdom by exercising your spiritual authority, he will attack you in an attempt to get you to back down from using that authority. If you successfully resist Satan’s attacks in one area, he will come against you in another area. You may as well get ready for these attacks, because they’re coming. In other words, your privileged spiritual position makes you an enemy of the devil.²

JESUS IS LORD because in His walk as man and adhering to God’s plan, He defeated the devil. Therefore, God the Father exalted Him (Phi 2:9; Acts 2:33 & 5:31; Eph 1:20-22 [AMP]; Ps 8:6); giving Christ Jesus authority over all (and all means all). In turn, Christ Jesus has given His authority to those in Him (Matthew 28:18; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 10:19; Col 1:13; James 4:7). Feelings have nothing to do with faith; whether a Believer or Christian “feels” like they have authority doesn’t negate the finished work of Christ Jesus. However, the authority given those in Him must be exercised or applied. Further, the Living Word – JESUS never told us to pray/ask Abba Father to do something about the devil. Rather, Jesus gave sons & daughters of God the authority to do something about the devil. Until the end time (Rev 20:10), God the Father did all He is going to do about the devil when He sent Jesus the Anointed One who defeated Satan & his cohorts at The Cross (Col 2:15). By the blood of Jesus, we may have confidence as to God’s power working for us, in us, and through us. The same way we draw our peace from Yahweh/Jehovah Shalom (John 14:27; Judges 6:24; John 16:33b); the same way we’ve received healing from Yahweh/Jehovah Rapha (Ex 15:22-26; Ps 106:20; Isaiah 53:5; 1Pe 2:24); the same way Yahweh Yireh/Jehovah Jireh ministers seed to the sower and bread for food as He simultaneously multiplies our seed (2Co 9:10 [KJV]; Gen 22:13-14; Phi 4:19); is the same way we draw our strength from Yahweh/Jehovah Sabaoth. JESUS IS LORD because He finished (once for all who will receive Him) all that was necessary for man to know the LORD God Almighty as “Abba Father”.

Speak the promise . . . Harriet

        ¹Savelle, J. (1988). The Force of Joy. Crowley, TX: Jerry Savelle Ministries.

        ²Hagin, K.E. (1986). The Believer’s Authority. (pp. 51-52). Tulsa, OK: Faith Library Publications.