Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

Jesus the Anointed One told us to pray for the harvest, and the workers of the harvest; therefore I do. I also pray the Holy Spirit given prayer of Ephesians 1:17-23 for all (including myself) of those already made sons & daughters of God the Father by the finished work of Christ Jesus; that more might believe and walk in the authority that God the Father bestowed Christ Jesus which, in turn, He has given or bestowed unto us (Psalm 8:6; Ephesians 1:20-22 [AMP]; Luke 10:19; Mark 16:17-18). These are the end times which call for increased manifestations of the power of God through His sons & daughters. Regardless of the legal power that was turned-over to the enemy of God through the treason committed by the first Adam, the enemy has no legitimate authority/power over those in Christ because Jesus defeated him at the cross (Colossians 2:15). The Name above all names belongs to you & me; in the Name of Jesus we have authority over demonic activity. Therefore, absolutely no work of the enemy has any legitimate business running rampant over the health, finances, children nor households of those covered by the Blood.

The key word is “legitimate” because if the enemy coaxes sons & daughters of God to speak contrary to that which God says about you, it allows the cohorts of the enemy to enter-in (whether or not the speak was intentional). The spirit-realm is very real; doesn’t matter whether or not it can be seen which is why the WORD tells us to walk by faith and not by sight (2Co 5:7). Used to be that I didn’t want to talk about the devil (apparently my subconscious mind knew [at least] that much) nor did I want anyone else to talk about him around me. Several years ago, when I expressed that to an ex-boyfriend who had started talking about the enemy (methinks he might’ve been one of his protégés but I digress), he matter-of-factly replied: “just because you don’t talk about the devil doesn’t mean that he doesn’t exist”. As my personal relationship with the LORD developed it became clear that in regard to some issues, I had developed a habit of putting my head into the sand as though I was akin to an Ostrich as opposed to having been made a daughter of the Sovereign Lord God Almighty by the blood of Jesus.

By the WORD we may know that everyone in Christ Jesus has been given the measure of faith, and the Living Word also told us that faith as small as a mustard seed will bring forth the desired manifestation in keeping with the will of God (Romans 12:3c; Matthew 13:31; 1Jn 5:14-15). The fact that we’ve been given “the” measure of faith necessarily means that each of us in Him received the same amount. Yet we are to increase in the things of God which involves developing our faith which is primarily through the revelatory teachings of the Holy Spirit, and those called by the LORD as evidenced by one or more of the five-fold ministry gifts of Jesus; some of which have a higher level of anointing than others. It isn’t possible to grow from a level of teaching that remains stagnate; and the problem thereof is that a significant number simply stop-out instead of asking God the Father, in Jesus’ name, from whence the need may be met. Faith is confidence that “all” means all when meditating, muttering, and speaking Philippians 4:19.

Speak the promise . . . Harriet