After we’ve received the WORD, Believers are to act on the WORD with the authority GOD bestowed the Name above all names (Ephesians 1:21). Believers in the “meat” of GOD’s Word aren’t surprised about the evidence of increased spiritual warfare; neither do we fear because we recognize from whom fear comes. Fear is from the enemy of GOD; hence the WORD repeatedly tells us: “fear not”. Satan sends doubt to set a welcoming stage for fear which is the opposite of faith because Believers are commanded to walk by faith.

Reconciled unto God the Father by the finished work of Christ Jesus, Believers are in the world but not of the world; qualified by the blood of Jesus for a full share in the inheritance of the saints (set-apart ones), called out of the kingdom of darkness and into GOD’s Kingdom of Light (Colossians 1:13) for His always good purpose. Believers are blessed  to be a blessing; standing in the gap and making-up the hedge as “spiritual sheriffs” who are yielded vessels allowing GOD’s power to work through us by the Holy Spirit to establish His Word in the earth.