Where is the psychology of a man who deems Love who is GOD offensive?

Recently, I attended a meeting where students vote on many issues including whether or not to give formal recognition to groups seeking status as a student organization. Literally, thousands of groups have been approved in the past including two Christian groups that are currently inactive. These diverse clubs include: Black Student Union, Native American Student Movement, Latino Student Organization, Student Senate/Government, Gay & Lesbian/Rainbow club, Biotech club, Architecture club, Veterans Student Organization, so forth and so on. I was completely baffled when a fairly intelligent and kind student said, of the prospective Christian student organization: “people might get offended”. Not a single student responded to their peer. As a guest, I could neither speak nor was I invited to do so; and I was sore amazed at the lack of response: Really? Only Christ offends? Nevertheless, pending additional asinine research (never required for any previous group), the club was approved.

How is it that Christ Jesus, who only showed loved, healed the sick, fed the poor, gave recovery of sight to the blind and sacrificed His sinless lifeblood for the sins of all mankind is perceived as offensive?