GOD sent His only begotten Son – JESUS who walked in perfect obedience to the will of His Father for the benefit of all mankind. That the Lord Jesus would lay down His sinless life with faith that the Father would raise Him up, the first resurrected from the curse of sickness, poverty, and spiritual death. Christ Jesus defeated the enemy – the adversary – the thief that only comes to steal and kill and destroy so that those rendered the people of YHWH (with inserted vowels YAHWEH, transliterated JEHOVAH, commonly interpreted the LORD) may take by faith via the offense as opposed to a stance of perpetual defense. In other words, those with re-created or reborn or regenerated spirits by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus have no business being relegated to a strictly defensive position. For Scripture informs that the devil and his cohorts are under the feet of Christ Jesus; hence under the feet of those who are “in Him”.  

Therefore, partakers of this New Covenant between God and mankind ratified by the blood of Jesus brought the indwelling of God’s power which is The Anointing through the person of the Holy Spirit. Each and every citizen of the Kingdom of God on this side of Heaven are sons & daughters of The One who is Omniscient and Omnipresent and Omnipotent; and the LORD has equipped kingdom citizens for success far beyond the measurements of the worldly or natural realm. These are they who aren’t moved by what they see with the natural eye; rather they move by the God-kind of faith operated by the God-kind of love, both of which were bestowed at the onset of rebirth via belief and confession that “Jesus is Lord”. Uncompromised in their own awareness of who they are and by Whose grace they freely receive through comprehension and application of God’s Word by revelation of the Holy Spirit.  

the wisdom we speak of is the secret wisdom of God, which was hidden in former times, though He made it for our benefit before the world began. But the rulers of this world have not understood it; if they had, they would never have crucified our glorious Lord. That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.’ But we know these things because God has revealed them to us by His Spirit1 Corinthians 2:7-10 (NLT) 

(Read – John 3:16; 1Jn 4:9-10; Romans 5:17-19 & 8:29; Colossians 1:18; Galatians 3:13-14; Ephesians 1:19-23; Colossians 1:15; John 10:10; Ephesians 6:10-18; 2Co 10:3; John 3:3-7; 1Jn 4:13; Habakkuk 2:4c; Hebrews 11:1; Romans 12:3; Galatians 5:6; Romans 10:9-10; Eph 2:8-10)