The Gift of Jesus the Anointed One by the grace (favor) of God the Father is for all those who willingly receive; that JESUS is The Gift Who keeps on giving means those in Him are continually or constantly being given a plethora of gifts. Be such of the natural (worldly) realm or of the spiritual realm, any gift must first be accepted to be received. Whereas it’s fairly easy to accept a gift in the natural realm because such can be seen and touched, the things given of God requires faith (Hebrews 11:1; Romans 10:17; Hebrews 11:6).

God the Father has freely (not by your “works”) given to all redeemed by the blood of Jesus the Anointed One; yet a significant number of those reconciled unto the Family of God through the finished work of Christ Jesus haven’t accepted everything given to those in Him. The thief (Satan) knows what those made sons and daughters of God have been given because he knows the WORD. Satan comes to “steal, kill, & destroy” via distraction, distortion and deception (John 10:10a). Likewise Satan thought he had killed the Living Word who is JESUS but God the Father raised Him up from the dead by the power of God the Holy Spirit. GOD IS NOT DEAD.

God’s power works through us as yielded vessels to establish His covenant in the earth. One of the many things that those in Christ Jesus have been given is the authority to resist, cast down, and bind the devil and all his cohorts, in the Name above all names – JESUS (Luke 10:19; Mark 16:17). Abba Father, I pray for increased wisdom & revelation by the power of the Holy Spirit; that more of your sons and daughters may believe AND receive all bestowed by the finished work of our Lord Jesus the Christ, in Jesus’ name, Amen.