Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

My first day of this New Year begins (yet again), with reading the Holy Bible from cover to cover via daily scheduled readings. The WORD of God strengthens the recreated or regenerated spirit, and renews the soul (intellect, will, & emotions). There are many suggested methods for reading God’s WORD within a single calendar year, and I have used more than one. The first time, that I read through the WORD in less than a year was by starting with the New Testament and ending with the Old Testament; the second time that I read through the WORD, I reversed that order. The third time, I used another’s set schedule . . . so forth and so on. Other friends have formed reading groups within their church to encourage one another in reading from cover to cover within a specified timeline. There are not enough life years to ever “know” everything that is in God’s WORD. Furthermore, there is nothing more exciting than receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit, Who teaches the regenerated spirit, whilst we were convinced of being well acquainted with. Therefore, I started the first day of this new calendar year (‘though anytime is the right time to start) with a schedule, used once successfully once before, via (click “Read” in the top bar; then click “One-Year Bible” in the left bar).

Man (i.e., male, female) is spirit, soul, and body. More specifically, we are spirit with a soul (intellect, will, and emotions) which lives in a body. Although the body will cease to exist, the spirit lives forever and isn’t without memory; where that forever will be is of the Good News or Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Those who are in Christ Jesus (who are of the Body of Christ), are born anew; these are they who have received a recreated or regenerated spirit. However, the soul (intellect, will, & emotions) isn’t born anew; rather the soul must be renewed in the WORD by the teachings of the Holy Spirit. (The edification of the Body of Christ is of those “called” through the gifts by Christ Jesus to the five-fold ministry [offices] of “Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher Ephesians 4:11; which doesn’t conflict with the gifts by the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 12:8-10].) Those made sons & daughters of God the Father by the blood of Jesus the Anointed One are to be ever increasing. GOD doesn’t stagnate; neither are His sons & daughters to coast along in “cruise control”, relying on memory relative to Scripture. As relayed in Proverbs 4:20-21, it must be in our eyes, it must be in our mouth, and it must be in our ears regularly. Therefore, read Scripture aloud so that what is going through the eye-gate and spoken through the mouth-gate, is also heard through the ear-gate.

Prayer: Abba Father, in Jesus’ name, I pray for release from contentment in “cruise control”. May ever increasing faith and abounding love manifest wonders, signs, and miracles that draw the lost to You through Christ Jesus, bring healing to the sick, finances to those in need, and Your compassionate love to the broken-hearted. “20  Now unto You Abba Father, Who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to Your great ppower at work within us,  21. to You be glory in the church and Christ Jesus forever and ever. Amen.”  Ephesians 3:20-21.

Speak the promise . . . Harriet