Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

The Lord Jesus made it plain: “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullnessJohn 10:10 (NLT); this He said in reference to the difference between charlatans who attempt to steal some away but aren’t successful in tricking those who know the essence of the character of GOD; hence clarity in regard to the voice of GOD. It also applies to those who, for a myriad of reasons, inadvertently allow Satan to trick them out of that bestowed to them through Christ Jesus (Revelation 5:12).

In other words, when the Lord Jesus triumphed over Satan and his cohorts at The Cross (Colossians 2:15), those made citizens of God’s Kingdom of Light by the mercy of God the Father and the blood of Jesus are covered. “As Christians, we are marked by a covering that no evil force can remove – the blood of Jesus.” ¹ Brim (1995) further stated, how the Lord relayed Satan’s systematic attempt to rob the church in regard to the truth about the use of the Blood of Jesus in prayer, practical use, sermon and song; that some denominations have taken Blood songs out of hymnals which is essentially the same as non-inclusion via overhead projectors.²

Not too long ago, I visited a church (to hear one of my favorite preachers whose sermons are always biblically based), and due to an early arrival I was privy to the last portion of questions & answers pertaining to a class lesson which was being taught by the son of the Pastor (who sat listening from the Pulpit area). In giving a response to a question asked, the class participant referred to “pleading the Blood of Jesus” to which the teacher (clearly perturbed) presumed to make a profound correction by saying, “pleading the Blood of Jesus isn’t scriptural”. To be clear, YES IT IS. Use of the word – plead as a verb means to make petition, intercession, conducting a legal case; and as a noun it means to dispute, controversy, case at law.³

No adversary can stand against the blood of Jesus; the Blood ratified the will of God the Father on our behalf. Hallelujah! Brim succinctly stated the same as follows: “The Blood of the Lamb redeemed man from Satan’s hold and unto God and His plan(p. 83). Satan’s eviction is at hand for these are the last days of which those in Christ Jesus may rejoice because the Second Coming is near to which we may say, “Amen! Come Lord Jesus!Revelation 22:20; and we may also know “this is that” relayed through the Prophet Joel about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for which we also pray (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:17-21). Yes! In Him we have authority in the Name of Jesus to apply the Blood of Jesus to overcome the devil and all his cohorts (often, in Jesus’ name, I draw a Bloodline naming the parameters). The blood of Jesus is a primary weapon against the fiery darts of the enemy of God who is necessarily the enemy of those made sons & daughters of God by the Blood. 

Speak the promise . . . Harriet

¹ Brim, B. (1995). The Blood And The Glory. (p.5). Tulsa, OK: Harrison House.

² Ibid., 21.

³ Ibid., 79.

³ Vine, W.E. (1997). Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words. (p. 860). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc.