Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,
Even a beginning glimpse of the fact that the Sovereign Lord God Almighty is the Father of glory is the beginning glimpse of the fact that man (i.e., male, female) continually gets in man’s own way. Such shines light on David’s question, paraphrased as follows: “What is man that You are mindful of us, mere humans that You care for us? For You made us only a little lower than God, and crowned us with glory and honor. You made us to have dominion over all the works of Your hands; You put everything under our feet: sheep, and cattle, and oxen, and animals in the wild, and birds in the sky, and fish in the sea, and whales singing in the ocean deep.” Psalm 8:4-8 ([a combination of] NIV, NLT, NKJV, MSG).
GOD never gave man dominion over man; that man seems predisposed to behave as though he can do God better than GOD is of the interference by temptation of the enemy who is intent on thwarting GOD’s original plan for mankind. The Good News/Gospel of Jesus is how the Sovereign Lord God Almighty foiled the enemy’s plan through the life, death and rersurrection of Jesus the Anointed One. The plan of the enemy of GOD, to limit man to one choice – eternal death, has been forever changed by the blood of Jesus. Now, man may choose (free-will) either eternal life or eternal death. GOD has always desired that man would choose life (Deuteronomy 30:15-20); and sent Jesus the Anointed One that we might choose abundant life in Him (John 10:10).
Even now, the great conflict being fought in the spirit realm, manifest within the natural realm in the ill behavior of man, irrespective of position (i.e., class, cast, status, career, education) toward man is written in 2Co 10:3-4. Nevertheless, as relayed by the Holy Spirit to the prophet Isaiah, whatsoever GOD has spoken always accomplishes that for which it was sent. Therefore, the original glory that GOD crowned man, before the first Adam’s decision to act contrary to that which GOD said (Genesis 2:17), is being restored unto man by the finished work of Christ Jesus.
The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. In the Old Testament, GOD told Moses to strike the rock at Mount Sinai whereof the thirsty may drink (Exodus 17). Christ Jesus is the solid rock; an unavoidable stone smack dab in the middle of the road to GOD. “Careful! I’ve put a huge stone on the road to Mount Zion, a stone you can’t get around. But the stone is me! If you’re looking for me, you’ll find me on the way, not in the way” Romans 9:33 (MSG).
The mystery of GOD’s plan revealed in Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing, is but a glimpse of the Father’s love and compassion for, faithfulness to, and patience with us who were created in His image (1 Peter 1:20; Genesis 1:26-27). So too, by the power of the Holy Spirit may we come to grasp the full dimensions of Christ’s love for us as exemplified by His perfect obedience to the will of God the Father; for the gift of His sinless blood restored the choice of eternal life for mankind (Romans 5:12-21), and bestowed the promised Holy Spirit (Galatians 3:14) by Whom through our “innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water” John 7:38 (AMP).
Speak the promise . . . Harriet