Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus the Christ,

2 And behold, a leper came up to Him and, prostrating himself, worshiped Him, saying, Lord, if You are willing, You are able to cleanse me by curing me.  3 And He reached out His hand and touched him, saying, I am willing; be cleansed by being cured. And instantly his leprosy was cured and cleansed.Matthew 8:2-3 (AMP)

Some don’t know that God is able, and others don’t know that He is willing. Some believe that God is able, and others believe that He won’t do for them because they’ve not done enough and/or have acted such as to render them un-worthy to receive more than “fire insurance” (incorrect belief that being clothed in righteousness is of their own works whereas salvation is by the grace or mercy of God [Ephesians 2:8-9]). The leper, however, was fully persuaded that the Lord Jesus was able, and he wasn’t concerned about whether (or not) he was worthy. Rather, the leper’s concern centered around whether the Lord Jesus cared enough about his personal situation to provide what he needed which, in this case, was healing and health. God is Agape (1 John 4:8), and He is always willing.

The only person qualified to lay down His life for mankind gave evidence of no greater love (John 15:13). Hence, as the Lord Jesus is the visible reflection of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15), we necessarily know that God the Father is the embodiment of love. Our Creator, Provider, and Protector who executes righteousness and justice; Yahweh Tsidkenu who is our standard for right behavior (Jeremiah 23:6 & 33:16); Yahweh Sabaoth who executes vengeance and recompense (Hebrews 10:30); The Sovereign Lord God Almighty who is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent is compassionate, gracious, ever faithful, and abounding in love (Exodus 34:6). Yes, The One who sent the Living Word just because of love (John 3:16) is compassionate.

Love is God; He doesn’t just have love, God is Love (1 John 4:16). The terms of agreement/promise between God and man in both the Old Testament/Old Covenant (Exodus 20:3-17; Deuteronomy 5:7-21) by the blood of animals that depended upon man’s capability as man insisted (Exodus 19:8) was, just as the more better New Testament/New Covenant (John 13:34 &15:12-17; 1Jn 2:5-10; 2Jn 1:3-6) ratified by the blood of Jesus that rests upon the finished work of Christ is, rooted in or has its foundation in love. The greatest commandment given to us is to love because faith is powered by love (Matthew 22:37-39; John 15:17; Gal 5:6), and every good behavior towards others is rooted in the God kind of love poured into the hearts of the redeemed by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).

Hence, one of the Spirit led prayers relayed through Apostle Paul is that our roots would “go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love”, that we might grasp the full dimensions of Christ Jesus’ love (Ephesians 3:17-18). For as ambassadors of Christ, we are to bring God’s kind of love (divine love/unconditional love), the compassionate love of God to the brokenhearted. It isn’t coincidental that it begins the list of the good fruit in Scripture: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-discipline (Galatians 5:22-23) because all of the other good fruit has it root in the first of the good fruit. That is, joy stems from love, peace stems from joy, patience stems from peace, kindness stems from patience, goodness stems from kindness, so forth and so on.

“Walking in love means acting in love because the God-kind of love is not just a feeling, it’s a decision and an action.”1 Otherwise Romans 5:5 will remain shut-up with no effect due to lack of expression. God never intrudes but will always help us when we ask. Therefore, in Jesus’ name, we repent and release un-forgiveness, we pray Philippians 1:9-11 that our love may abound, and we speak the Word. Confession/Affirmation – Agape bears up and endures without weakening; and this God kind of love has been poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I practice staying in an attitude of love; I walk in the light of God’s love and I am never weakened (Romans 5:5; 1 Corinthians 13:7).

Speak the promise . . . Harriet

Hagin, K.E. (Eighth Printing 2006). Love: The Way to Victory. (p. 196). Tulsa, OK: Faith Library Publications.