Although I’ve known the LORD all of my life, I am increasingly surprised to learn that GOD will involve Himself in every aspect of my life; I only need invite Him in. More specifically, the things which I deemed too little or too mundane for the Sovereign Lord God Almighty to concern Himself with on my behalf, He is right there helping me. Why am I surprised? For it has always been clear to me that when I ask GOD, He always answers. Perhaps subconsciously I decided that some things were too trivial to “bother” GOD about; as though He might become annoyed. Of course, in retrospect it’s easy to deduce that such was a suggested lie from the father of lies (John 6:44c). The truth is, there is nothing too small for the LORD to care about concerning us created in His image; such is the modus operandi of a healthy, loving, compassionate and faithful relationship. Yes, the LORD cares about even the most minuscule aspect of my life; and since Abba Father doesn’t play favorites, it is the same for all reconciled unto Him by the blood of Jesus. GOD loves you; and He cares for you.

7) Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.  8) For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 (MEV)