During the Old Testament or Covenant of Blood between God and man, the Word of God reveals that Daniel triumphed by faith. For the God kind of faith powered by the God kind of love indeed triumphs over all. Yet, though Daniel lived a godly life, he repented in prayer for his nation (Daniel 9:4-19). We who partake of this New Testament or Covenant ratified by the blood of Jesus, and are of the nation that imbedded the Sovereign Lord God Almighty into its Constitution, may take a cue from Daniel because our proclamation is “one nation under God . . .”. To be “under God” necessarily includes faithful commitment to doing in the way of God.

 However, satanic influence through people (whether consciously or not) always seeks to remove God from every aspect of a society which endeavors to put God first; and a significant number of people think such began with the removal of God from Public Schools. Yet, such most likely began with the ungodly treatment of a people under slavery which though eliminated continues to perpetuate an ungodly mindset in both attitude and ungodly behavior toward those unlike ourselves. Regardless of exactly when satanic influence was allowed entrance, people of God need to get it out! Therefore, those reconciled to God by the Blood repent in prayer for the great United States of America:

 LORD GOD, the redemptive work of Christ Jesus allows Your sons and daughters to run into Your presence uninhibited, to stand in the gap and make-up the hedge. We offer prayers of intercession for the unsaved who know not what they do, and prayers of supplication for the saved whose eyes are wide shut to Your way. We pray Ephesians 1:17-23 for wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, that the eyes of our spirit may be flooded with light so that may know You better and know the hope to which You have called us and know Your incomparably great power within all of us who believe, that we may serve You better. (And) as each of us with authority in the Name above all names, bind this giant of devil wrought sickness and cast down its mountain of satanic fear, we give You all the glory and honor and praise, with thanksgiving in Jesus’ name, Amen.