Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

 Forasmuch as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things . . . But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot; Who truly was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for you, Who by Him do believe in God, that raised Him up from the dead, and gave Him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God. Seeing you have cleansed your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit to sincere genuine love of the brethren, see that you love one another with a pure heart fervently1 Peter 1:18-22 (KJ21)

During our quality time with the LORD GOD we must press in because there is much to distract us from allowing God to direct His power through us in prayer. Clothed in the whole armor of God, we use the Word of God which is the sword of the Spirit. (And) just as we take great care about what is allowed through our own eye-gate and/or into the ear-gate, so too that which is allowed out of our mouth. That is, we speak in keeping with God’s Words. For “crazy talk” abounds in regard to this devil wrought giant of sickness which all of us are called to bind, and its mountain of fear which all of us are called to cast down via the Ministry-of-Authority in the Name above every name bestowed to us by Christ Jesus.

 The Sovereign Lord God Almighty does not “take” life; neither for need of another Angel nor flower. The One who created the universe, the heavens and earth, male and female, Angels and messengers, the expanse of the sea and everything in it, etcetera has neither desire nor need to “take” life. Rather, the LORD GOD is the Giver of life. That “all things work for our good” (Romans 8:28) pertains to the things of God: the Word of God, the gifts of the Spirit, the Name of Jesus, and the power weapons of the Body of Christ. Neither will it ever be needful to place something red on our door because the New Testament/New Covenant between God and man was ratified by the blood of JESUS whose sinless life paid for the sins of the world once for all (1 John 2:2; Romans 3:25; Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 9:12; Revelation 1:5).

 Given the present day circumstances, the vast majority of us have more time to develop our personal relationship with the LORD GOD, and delve into His WORD (even awaiting the next “quarantine house party”). The Living Word clearly states what we are to be doing: exemplify divine love (John 15:17; 1Jn 2:9-10, 4:20-21) which begins the evidence of good fruit that grows on the branches of the Vine who is Jesus (Galatians 5:22-23; John 15:1-8), and further the Great Commission (Mark 16:15-18; Matthew 28:18-20). The Word of God directs our path and is a light unto our feet (Psalms 119:105 & 32:8; Proverbs 3:5-6). May the light of God within each of us shine as bright as the beacon of a lighthouse during such a time as this (1 Thessalonians 5:5; Matthew 5:14-16; Colossians 1:12).

 Speak the promise . . . Harriet