“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; they who seeks finds; and the door will be opened to everyone who knocks.” Matthew 7:7

Prayer is communication with God. Praying to God is asking God to do something (in keeping with His way) with the faith-filled confidence that He is pleased to do it (1 John 5:14-15; Luke 12:32; Hebrews 11:6; Mark 11:22-24). Prayer need be neither loud nor long; for God has perfect hearing and the Omniscient One is well aware of every need. Prayer is powerful, even when short; Peter concisely asked: “Lord save me!Matthew 14:29, and by the Word we know that he didn’t drown. (And) surely I’m not the only person who has simply asked: “Lord help me”. The point is, we must pray/ask God. Scripture informs that the intensive prayer of a righteous person makes tremendous power available (James 5:16b). Prayer allows God to move effectively by His Spirit who abides within everyone whose spirit has been made new. The Omnipotent One moves effectively by the Holy Spirit through man’s prayer because every word sent from the mouth of God must accomplish that for which it’s sent (Isaiah 55:10-11). Therefore, as God gave dominion over the earth to man (Genesis 1:26-28), His mighty power is worked through man.

 For God’s actions never contradict; He cannot lie (1 Samuel 15:29; Titus 1:2; Numbers 23:19). Though Adam’s treason turned-over man’s lease (of dominion over the earth) to satan which ushered every malevolent form of sin into the earth, our ever faithful God entered covenant after covenant with man; until the mystery of His plan for the redemption of all mankind would be revealed through His only begotten Son – Jesus the Anointed One; Who walked in perfect obedience to the will of God the Father on behalf of mankind in order to take back the keys of death and Hades (Revelation 1:18). So faithful is God to us, that an Angel said, “what is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care for him? You made him a little lower than (God); You crowned him with glory and honor, and did set him over the works of Your handsHebrews 2:6-7. Now, by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus, we stand in the gap for the land (Ezekiel 22:30); for its stability and the wisdom of its leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-2; Proverbs 21:1; Isaiah 33:6 & 43:11); for greater works (John 14:12); for healing (2 Chronicles 7:14); for signs and wonders (Acts 4:30); all to the honor, praise and glory of God, with thanksgiving in Jesus’ name, Amen.