The WORD : “The LORD God has not given us a spirit of fear; He has given us a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Reflection: Faith is the opposite of fear. Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing faced problems with religious people; and those “in Him” who begin to move into the promises of the LORD God by unabashed faith may experience the same. Nevertheless, hold fast to the Word of God, fixated on the Living Word who is Jesus the Christ. For as the Lord Jesus said, “they know not what they do”.

Prayer: Abba Father, in Jesus’ name, I pray that the wisdom and revelation received by the Teaching of the Holy Spirit be applied with clarity and loving kindness for the benefit of all of us who seek first the Kingdom of God and Your righteousness, and for all being drawn to You through Christ Jesus. For according to John 6:44, John 14:6, 1 Corinthians 1:9, and Colossians 1:13, You are The One who draws and attracts others to Jesus. May ever increasing faith powered by abounding love, and undergirded with patience for steadfastness on Your WORD, manifest every aspect of prosperity in health, wealth, relationships, soundness of mind, deliverance & protection, and Your sweet peace which passes all understanding. Amen.