There is nothing more powerful than the WORD of GOD. We must be consistent in our use of God’s WORD because the devil is persistent. Therefore, we recognize “I don’t feel like it” as a protégé of satan intent on the physical elimination of any who are serious about fulfilling the LORD God’s purpose for their lives. For such always involves helping others as well as self to the (always good) things of God. The things of GOD are by faith powered or operated by love. Therefore, we endeavor and are helped through the (right now) Ministry of the Holy Spirit to develop faith daily or strengthen faith daily by feeding, yea feasting, on the most powerful thing that exists – the WORD of GOD. Speak it, speak it, speak it because “confession brings possession”. The LORD never infringes on free-will, yet inconsistencies in applying GOD’s WORD every day and throughout the day may actually be the thief that only comes to steal and kill and destroy.   

The people of God – those rendered His sons & daughters by the blood of Jesus, speak the WORD of GOD and use authority in the Name above all names to bind on earth what is bound in Heaven and loose on earth what is loosed in Heaven. That is, to move any attempt of satan and the cohorts thereof (whether demonic manipulation is willful or unwittingly) to block our redemptive rights secured by the blood of Jesus. The Lord Jesus told us to have the God-kind of faith and speak to the mountain and receive by the prayer of faith; His reference to “mountain” pertains to anything contrary to the way of God that seeks to obstruct the manifest promises of God for our lives on this side of Heaven. For the redemptive work of Christ Jesus redeemed all mankind, by His spotless blood, from the three-fold curse of poverty, sickness, and eternal death (spiritual death – man’s separation from his Creator due to the transgression or disobedience of the first Adam).  

The grace of YHWH (with inserted vowels YAHWEH transliterated JEHOVAH commonly interpreted the LORD), sent YESHUA/JESUS as the Son of Man to restore those who believe and receive Him as Savior and Lord; He is The Resurrection, The Life, The Great Intercessor, The Advocate, The Gate, The Way, The Vine, The Firstborn from the Dead, The Prince of Peace, The Word of God, The Overcomer, The Alpha and Omega, The Son of God, King of kings and Lord of lords.  

    • There is nothing more powerful than the WORD of GOD; apply it!
    • There is nothing more powerful than the blood of Jesus; plead it!
    • There is nothing more powerful than the Name of Jesus; use it!  

(Romans 1:17; Habakkuk 2:4; 2Co 5:7; Galatians 3:11 & 5:6; Ro 10:17; John 10:10; Matthew 18:18; Mark 11:22-24; Luke 19:10; Romans 10:9-10; Galatians 3:13; Isaiah 53:5 & 10-12 & 59:16; 1Pe 2:24; John 5:24; Deuteronomy 28:1-14; 2Co 8:9; John 6:27 & 11:25 & 15:5; Revelation 2:18 & 19:13 & 19:16)