Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,  

Flowers and grass fade away, but what our God has said will never change.”  Isaiah 40:8 (CEV)

That’s how it is with my words. They don’t return to me without doing everything I send them to do.”  Isaiah 55:11 (CEV)

Our original purpose was to duplicate the LORD God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Hence, when a disciple of the Lord Jesus asked Him to teach them how to pray, He said “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, . . . Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven . . .Luke 11:1-4 (NKJV). The LORD God’s mandate to dominate the earth (not people) included a prohibition given directly to the first Adam as well as a clear warning re the consequence for non-compliance as eternal death (Genesis 2:16-17). Nevertheless, the first Adam used free-will in disobedience to the LORD God by participating in rather than correcting his wife – Eve as she was being deceived by Satan. Consequently, the first Adam became the first to move from life to death and all humankind thereafter, until the last Adam – YESHUA/JESUS would become the first to move from death to life by His perfect obedience to God the Father on behalf of all humankind. Both the first Adam and the last Adam were born innocent, their difference pertained to obedience and the lack thereof. That is, the disobedience of the first Adam and the perfect obedience of the last Adam Whose spotless Blood facilitated the ability of all humankind to choose (free-will) rebirth through His redemptive work which results in a re-created or regenerated spirit. For the transgression of the first Adam resulted in the plurality of death:  

    • spiritual death – separation from the LORD God.
    • physical death – separation of soul & spirit from the body.

Genesis 1:26-27 relays that the LORD God created humankind in His image. That is, the first Adam was created just like God Who is Spirit and invisible whereas the physical body of humankind was formed from the earth (hence the phrase – “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”). To reiterate, our spirit was created from that which is invisible whereas our body was formed from the earth because the original mandate to replicate the Kingdom of God on physical earth requires a physical body. Humankind is “tri-partite” in that we are first and foremost an  eternal spirit who has a soul (i.e., intellect, will, emotions) and lives in a body. Therefore, when the body dies, the spirit and soul live on with whomever the person chose (free-will) as their Over-Lord; if the LORD God is their Spiritual Father they will live forever with Him; if Satan is their spiritual father, they will live forever with him.  Satan, who has no original ideas (e.g. Genesis 9:13 relays the fact that the LORD God created the rainbow and twenty centuries after the Lord Jesus took back the keys of death & Hades [Revelation 1:18] the rainbow seems to have been usurped for the purpose of the antichrist), knows that his cohorts have to work demonic activity through the manipulation of people. Therefore, as one-man-of God succinctly stated (in regard to those bestowed The Blessing of Abraham and the fullness thereof by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus) “people, those people, racism, etc. are not your problem . . .”.  

Such is akin to what the Lord Jesus alluded to in saying, during what is termed The Passion of The Christ: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doingLuke 23:34 (NIV). And Saul (who later became a believer and 1st Century Theologian renamed Paul) witnessed the murder of Stephen who alluded to the same, “Lord, do not hold this sin against themActs 7:54-60 (NIV). Forgiveness doesn’t relegate sons & daughters of the LORD God to be doormats; and the LORD God sends nothing of the devil to teach those reconciled unto the Family of God a lesson (that’s a lie from the father of lies). Rather, what those “in Christ” are to do is: put on the whole armor of God and utilize all the things of the LORD God that work for our good in order to “function like the Ruler of the invisible kingdom”. Those rendered offspring of the Creator-King by the blood of Jesus are set-apart to promote the culture of the LORD God as opposed to that which is antithetical to it. For we are ambassadors of Christ who only spoke and did (behaved, acted) in the way of His Father Who is Our Father – Abba Father by the spotless blood of Jesus. Therefore, in the knowing that nothing is more powerful than the Word of God, we endeavor to engage in: the renewal of the mind by the Word of God through the Teaching of the Holy Spirit for comprehension; daily development of our own faith by confessing God’s Word for application; quality time with the Abba Father through Christ Jesus and Prayer in the Spirit.  

Speak the promise . . . Harriet